Tag Archives: trackbacks

Movable Type 3.2 is out!

So the new version of Movable Type is out. And they’ve got a great promotion price for the personal editions only $39.95! Don’t forget, they always have a free version for personal use which also has unlimited weblogs (the free version of the software is not disabled at all) but no support other than the forums.

Powered ByIf you have donated before, they let you apply a $20 credit from earlier versions and it makes it $19.95! It’s “just” five authors (that’s four more than I have), it’s $30 more for unlimited authors. This is an awesome deal! Nothing like when they did the 3.x release upgrade that made everyone (not me) crazy about prices and limitations.

I’l probably be upgrading next week, once everyone else has worked out all the bugs ;)

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Where’s your head?!?

MygravatarSo I’ve Implemented Gravatars on my commenting. This means if you have one when you leave a comment it puts your gravatar (avavtar/icon) next to your comment. The best part is if you go get one it’ll appear on all the posts you’ve already made. And of course it’s FREE!

UPDATE (10pm): My head just got approved and I probably just popped up on hundreds of Gravatar enabled blogs around the world!!!

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Should I move to MovableType 3?

Warning! Extra-Geeky post:
I’m using MovableType 2.661 I’m missing having sub-categories and I was hoping some of the dynamic features might help speed up my rebuilds. I’ve also been getting really slow responses when posting comments. I do a lot of odd dynamic stuff already (the body of my messages only get built once (processed once) and they just get included everywhere else (although this isn’t really helping me on rebuilds since it’s probably rebuilding the pages anyways, it may actually be smarter than that). I use Mt-Blacklist and some other plug-ins. Some of my category archive rebuilds are really getting slow (I’m sure my date archives are slow two, but the categories just keep growing).

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My biggest blog screwup ever…

I was cleaning up one of my other web sites that I work on and I just accidently deleted all my pings/trackbacks back to this site. Fortunately there were only 23. The important this is that I noticed it just as I was about to delete all the comments for this site!!!!! That would have been hundreds of comments…

What is a Trackback?

Mell (of Divergent Poles) was trying to understand what a trackback is, so I’m making this post as an illustration.

While creating this message there was an empty spot (just like there is a place for the title) to add trackbacks, since I’m referencing this post (i.e. I’m talking about Mell) I’m adding his trackback information to that spot. When I post this message it’ll send a tiny message (called a trackback or sometimes referred to as a ping) to Mell’s message and now he’ll know I was talking about his post and get a better understanding of this (I hope). There is no indication on my site that I trackbacked him (other than me telling you), the main reason is to let him (and his readers) know I are talking about him and when others read his site they’ll know I’m talking about Mell so they might follow the link to see what I say (in this case, if they want to know what I think a trackback is).

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This BJ’s going to be either really good (or really bad)…

Just saw the preview for Bridget Jones II – The Edge of Reason. It gave me the feeling it’s not going to be mediocre and while I’m hoping it’s be really good, it does have some potential for disaster. But previews can always be misleading…

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Need a spot for your blog? Try IlohaBlog!

Found new blogging service that I like. It’s called IlohaBlog and it’s at http://ilohablog.com/ (no longer in service). It’s got comments, links and trackbacks, categories*, archives, RSS, links (with different categories), extended entries and support the MT posting API (so if you use a client like Ecto, it works). Includes a “recently updated blogs” list on the front page. Oh and did I say it’s free!

Why was I looking for this? Because I was poking around looking at Expression Engine (because I like the way they do categories) and wanted to see if Ecto supported posting to it and found a list of items it did support and started geeking around with it.

Back to IlohaBlog — It’s easy to use, free, and it seemed nice enough for me to post about it. I think it might get my next few recommendations that I give to people for a place to start… It’s really got everything you need to get going. The web interface might even be basic enough to use from a cell phone.

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