Where’s your head?!?

MygravatarSo I’ve Implemented Gravatars on my commenting. This means if you have one when you leave a comment it puts your gravatar (avavtar/icon) next to your comment. The best part is if you go get one it’ll appear on all the posts you’ve already made. And of course it’s FREE!

UPDATE (10pm): My head just got approved and I probably just popped up on hundreds of Gravatar enabled blogs around the world!!!

For an example check out this recent post to see how they look. I just registered my Gravatar but as soon as they approve it my head should appear next to my comment!

For those of you that are adventurous — I’m only posting “G” and “PG” gravatars (they have an MPAA-like rating system).

PS – I also changed my commenting so that the comments and pings/trackbacks all appear togetner. Please let me know it you have any problems commenting (leave a comment or an e-mail).

2 responses to “Where’s your head?!?

  1. Ah yes! The sweet hotness of my stunning visage will grace yet another piece of the blogosphere!

  2. G-
    I was just looking thru my comments and noticed one from you; I think you’ve commented before (I recognize the name!) but I’m not sure I’ve ever said HI or addressed you. I’m sorry! You left me a nice comment (on my ‘who wants to meet me’ post) and I thank you!

    Also, I think your pic is great – you are VERY attractive! If I didn’t write about stuff that could potentially ruin my life (or at the very least, probably get me fired due to my being what my work would consider a seedy character), I would post my pic to the world. I love having a face to put with the name/writing. You rock.

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