Tag Archives: internet

Do you use Quantcast?

I’ve been using Quantcast to look at some site statistics. As usual noting is perfect, I know it doesn’t count anything from RSS feeds or anywhere else I might have had info pulled some other way from my site (RSS, my PDA version, AvantGo, etc.) and I’m certain I didn’t get their little piece of code on every page on my site. BTW, you don’t need their code to get information from them, I had information already, this just got me a few bits more but I see I still don’t have any on ‘Audience Composition’ and I’m not sure why.

They have fun data mostly based on the geographic data of the location of people viewing your site. I don’t think I have that many Asian viewers but that out of country viewing has to be allocated to someone. Can we legally get “spammers” declared as an ethnicity?

Link Love on Valentine’s Day

I’m always disappointed that I used some other web addresses for my blog (GaryLaPointe.com/blog, GaryLaPointe.com/nice, GaryLaPointe.com/mypointe) before I settled on http://GarySaid.com/. The problem is I’ve been linked by all sorts of sites to the old address and it’s impossible to change them*. Many place on your blogs, search engings, listings in Blogrolls, BlogShares, Techortati, etc. You can’t just delete them since they do point towards you but they’re not correct (and some you can’t even delete if you want). I’ve got good redirects so I’m probably okay with links, but it really bothers the obsessive compulsive part of my brain.

One of my biggest sets of incorrect links are on other sites where I’ve left comments or trackbacks** to my old URL, well it wasn’t old then, but it doesn’t link back to here (but most times will redirect you to the correct page). I know some of you have changed your address by switching from Blogger to Typepad to your own website, etc. and the old links just go to a redirect, a note that says you moved or sometimes (the worst) an error page. I also know some of you have deleted them on purpose and started over but maybe you’d like that insightful comment you left here 3 years ago to link to your new site…

Here’s my offer for you: I’ll replace your old comment links on my site with your new site. This will help with people reading the archives and who click on your link so you may get a few new readers since your old dead links will now work (and it’ll probably help with some search engine stats as I get reindexed). Leave me a comment and list some old blog addresses you have posted comments here with (make clear which is the new one) and I’ll see if I can do a search and replace to fix the links. It probably won’t help with any specific page links or trackbacks but at least they’ll point to the correct site (if I see broken ones as such I can redirect to the front page). I’ll fix your blogroll link if I’ve got one too (be sure to point that out). I’ll even fix things like remove/add the WWW if you’ve since settled on one or the other. Continue reading

Sleep, Eat and ‘Net….

So I haven’t really done much at all today. So you get an “about my day” post. I’ve eaten a lot (and often) and had too way much Coca-Cola (but the last few had some Capt. Morgan’s in it so that’s okay). And I’ve been on the ‘net all day (at home, at Wendy’s, at the bar) catching up (and fixing) on things.

I did participate in a survey that I got $25 for (it might have been $25 for Amazon.com but that’s as good as cash to me). It was a survey about the new extra-secure security features in IE 7. The thing is, I’m not so worried about my information being intercepted en-route; I’m more worried about their servers being compromised after the fact (or someone losing their laptop). My real concern when shopping on-line is that “Bob’s Computer Shack” is just a place that “Bob” set up so he can steal my Charge Card information (he could even have an ultra secure certificate).

But tonight I need to drive to Ypsi to get a CAT scan of my hand. It’s been bugging me and it’s time to get it looked at. My problem is with chronic problems like this is they tend to not find a cause, which means they can’t find a solution. He has said he doesn’t think it’s anything carpel-tunnel or repetitive anything-ish. Continue reading

I’m better now…

Okay. So today is a better day so far! Got my Comcast cable fixed, super nice guy, said they must have disconnected me when hooking someone else up (at 3:33) so he tagged my cable so they’d (hopefully) leave it alone and he checked the signal strength for me to make sure it was a-okay. I’m well rested, which I really really needed. And not that I’d use computers for something that I shouldn’t (like Stargate or Galactica) let’s just say that today BitTorrent is my friend. It’s been sunny out so I’m off to run some errands while it’s nice out.

This is the most common reason that I know most of my friends have had to call in a repair request.

The Power of Yahoo! Banner Ads

SpisearchresultsSo I can’t believe how many search hits I get I get on this blog as a result of this “eating spiders” ad campaign from Yahoo! It’s bringing more visitors to this site than I can imagine. And I’m getting the weirdest comments to it. Some of it’s just some people screwing around but it’s still unbelievable as to how many results I’m getting from it. I’m not scoring as high on the search results (I was in the top 5-10 on many variations, but now I don’t even make the first pages for most of the searches that make it here) but I’m still getting massive hits.

All I can say is this Yahoo ad is getting people to click around and that’s for sure. I’m not sure what such a massive campaign would cost but it seems effective from my end.

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Slooowww Internet

So, as I said, I’m up north. This means I’m using dial-up and it’s on an older computer. I feel like my brain is going to burst waiting for the web to load these pages for me. (No insult intended to those of you on dial-in)

Checking my mail is slow enough, but uploading the photos was almost enough to pop something in my brain…..

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The history future of the Internet

I’ve been thinking about this lately so I thought I’d bring it up again. This short film of the history of the Internet is kind of how personalized information will be presented to you in the future and some of the problems with it. I heard about this while listening to an episode Future Tense.

This is actually a shortened repost of a post I did a while ago, but like I said I’ve been thinking about it lately so I thought you should too…

Reflections on Blogging

Sarah B. (at drunkenbee) while commenting on her new design and reflecting on blogging had this to say that made me laugh.

When I began this site I had exactly two committments every day. I had to wake up and go to sleep. In between these committments I had a relatively large amount of time to, say, pick my nose pristine and write a story about it.

She doesn’t post often enough but she’s always pretty funny…

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