Category Archives: reviews

Reviews / feedback / comments on books, movies, television, technology, food, etc. (These might be short snippets and not long reviews)

From there to here

There’s this baby up in the nursery, he’s brand new.
No one’s neglected him or damaged him yet…
How did we get from there to here?

That’s from Grey’s Anatomy, a great new show. It focuses on a group of four new residents who just started working those horrible 48 hour shifts at the hospital. The main character, Meredith Grey, has a mother who was a legend in the medical field so she’s got a variety o issues including living up to her mother’s legacy. There’s a few scenes up on the baby floor (at the observation window) that are pretty cute too. It’s on Sunday’s at 10 PM EST.

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Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking – Review

So I finished reading Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking by Malcolm Gladwell. It’s about how you perceive things in the first few second (blink of an eye). Correction, it’s really more about how accurate those perceptions are in the first few seconds. It also talks about the inaccuracies and what causes them (and how you can influence them). It’s very interesting if you like this kind of stuff (maybe even if you don’t).

He talks about how hard it was to sell a super-comfortable chair because it was ugly, the Pepsi Challenge and race and gender differences when buying a car. One of the examples he uses is speed dating (which is analyzed for pages) in how you can use those five minute dates to get a first impression and how you can use it to determine if you want another opportunity to meet them.

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Invasion Iowa

In case you weren’t sure Riverside, Iowa (pop. 928) is the future birthplace of James T. Kirk (yes, that’s really their claim to fame). So it’s not so strange when William Shatner comes to town to film a science fiction movie. Of course he needs some townspeople to play parts. THe eccentric William Shatner brought his (no such a) body double, his “shats” (red, green or yellow berets) that he’s about to market, his spiritual advisor and a horrible script for Invasion Iowa. The most important part is — he’s not really making a movie, it’s a reality/hoax show. I’ve startied watching the first episode, it’s kind of fun so far. It’s on SpikeTV all this week.

Music Recommendations: The Lacivious Biddies

What piece of music have you listened to just because someone you respect or admire – but don’t actually know in person – recommended it?

The Lacivious Biddies. They do an interesting mix of music and harmony. Adam Curry, (the father of podcasting (and former Mtv VJ), loves them and plays them on his show and I really liked the songs he plays. I jsut got the CDs last week and a few tracks have grown on me (a few others I’m not sure of yet). Here’s a few samples: You don’t know me, (I Wanna be) Famous, Coney Island and they do a great cover (of the Go Go’s) Head Over Heels too!

They also do a podcast – The BiddyCast.

From the Midweek Music Meme

A new super high-tech device!

It’s 10.00 GHz AMD Athlon, 2000 MB RAM, 30000 GB, weight 14.00 hundredths-pounds and it runs DOS!!! What is it? I’m not sure what it is, but it’s on Amazon and it’s got great reviews (62 comments as of right now). Be sure to check it out, I liked it so much I added one to my wishlist.

Note: I see they’ve cleaned this up a lot (as of April 16, 2005). I think I saved a PDF but that might have been between my last backup and a hard drive crash.

Jake in Progress

“How can you live in New York and not understand sarcasm!!!”

I just love this show… (Thursday nights at 8 PM and 8:30 PM EST)

Free Credit Report (Legit)

CreditmapSo now every year (by law) you can get a Free Credit Report from each of the credit report companies (Equifax, Transunion and Experian). They’ve been rolling this out by zones; zone 1 got it earlier this year, 2 (the Midwest) got it today, 3 in June, 4 in September. I did mine today, I did the Transunion one (I had never done that one before). I think I liked the Equifax one the best, it seemed the most complete and understandable (IMHO). The first time I ever did one I had over a dozen open credit cards that should have been closed. The FTC has more info on-line.

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Finally (Smallville)

So if you don’t watch Smallville you probably don’t care and if you haven’t watched last night’s episode you probably don’t want to read this. So it’s been bugging me that Lana Lang and Clark Kent haven’t been interacting much (if at all) and it’s been annoying that if they aren’t going to interact then get her off the show.

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