Category Archives: reviews

Reviews / feedback / comments on books, movies, television, technology, food, etc. (These might be short snippets and not long reviews)

What is this blogging thing all about?!?

John Dvorak does an article called “Dvorak’s Blogging Primer” in the October 18, 2005 issue of PC Magazine. It’s just over two pages and it’s not bad. He breaks it down pretty concisely and does a huge sidebar (2/3 of the page) called “Anatomy of a Blog”. It’s interesting so check it out or I can send you a free digital issue (see below).

The article, which starts of page 60, also has some followups by others: One on RSS Feeds and another on creating podcasts.

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.Mac is an Awesome Service (and they just quadrupled their storage)

 .macI just noticed that .Mac expanded their storage from 250MB to 1GB (as of August 2007 it’s now 10GB!) which makes it even better! If you have a Macintosh, you’ll love this (especially if you have a laptop or more than one Mac). It’s a remote backup / synchronization / virus checking / file sharing / training / web publishing software service rolled all-in-one! I was going to post an update and I realized I’ve never posted about it before (I’d swear I had, I can’t believe I hadn’t). Here’s a few details:

  • You get an iDisk which just mounts on your desktop like a hard drive, floppy or thumb drive. It has remote storage (off your computer) and will automatically sync when you are on the net (but you can use it even when you aren’t on the net). This is great if you have a laptop. If you lose/break it, you still have you files.

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  • More iPod Nano Torture

    ArstechnicatestedWhile the previous What’s Inside an iPod Nano ?!? examination was more of a vivisection, these folks at ARS Technica took to a new level in a stress test (followed by a dissection). They didn’t expect the patient to live so they had to keep upping the ante of their test. Just so you know, dropping your iPod Nano while you bicycle may not cause any problems at all. Actually, there’s a chance it’ll survive being dropped while your driving the car (at 50 MPH). Don’t worry about running it over, okay, maybe you should worry about running it over, but it doesn’t mean the music will stop playing! (The good stuff starts on page 3)

    iTunes v.5 Pluses and Minuses

    Plus: So they’ve finally released a phone with Apple iTunes it’s the ROKR by Motorola (with a camera and speakers built in), it’s sorta like a shuffle with a display. Very cool! 100 Songs on your phone to sync with iTunes (I assumed you would be able download via the phone but I don’t see any references to that, so I guess not). It’s $249, but I’m sure it’ll drop by the holidays… (It looks like you can get it for $99 after rebates and activating a plan)

    Minus: They release a new version of iTunes, which seems great but it screwed up on the import of the old data, it gave me an error and renamed my library to “iTunes Library (Damaged)”. It screwed up my list of podcasts, moved all of them to the regular music library and deleted my subscriptions. I could re-add them, if I could remember them :(

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    Connections to the world

    So I’ve been getting some promos from Talk America for their DSL which is only $25 a month (first month free and free modem) and they claim 4MB service. They also offer free dial-up for travel (but the guy on the phone referred to is as a backup plan). I love Talk America. I use them for my phone service: my local calling area is much larger (most of metro Detroit), unlimited minutes and unlimited member to member calling for 22.95.

    I thought I’d try it, it’s free, right? But the computer at their end was dead so I have to wait. But then I called my cable company (Comcast) and hassled them (generally it’s best to call the disconnect / cancel service departments for these calls. I got them to drop my cable modem costs $10 a month (for the next 12 months) with no problem. A little more haggling and I got them down $15 a month, so I’m not as cheap as the DSL but I’m definitely in the range of where I want to be and it’s been good service so I’m happy with it (I did this about 8 months ago and they gave me a similar, but not as good as this, discount for six months).

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    Grrrowwwlll!! Why I hate (parts of) Tiger!!

    I absolutely hate the new find in OS X Tiger. I didn’t think I’d like it when I saw it, I didn’t like it when I got it, now it’s a few months later and I still hate it.

    When I want to search for a file name it automatically searches inside the files too, so I get a million more hits than there are just files. And you can’t easily separate from the two (filenames or contents). Plus you can’t easily sort by date or filename, it breaks it down by category.

    And Spotlight should allow me to control/right-click on a name to open the folder, not the item. If it’s a zip or sit file and you just want to find it, it uncompresses it if you click it…

    For being this huge new “feature” it’s not very friendly. I looked to see if the old find was still there but I don’t see it anywhere. :(

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    And a child shall lead them…

    Last night I watched the season finale of The 4400. It was great, it really wrapped more than a few things up and then turned around but also created a bunch more possibilities in the last five minutes. (I’ve got a few spoilers in the extended entry so don’t read them if you haven’t seen it). The title of this post indicates leans towards one of the (unfortunately) used premises in science fiction (and comics), I was afraid it might be used and it was, we’ll see how it pans out next season. I also predict the title of this post with be the title of an episode next season, probably the first or last episode.

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    Mr. Willis of Ohio

    I watched one of my absolute favorite episodes of The West Wing tonight. It’s an early episode, probably from earlier in the first season, the title is the same as that of this post. It’s my favorite episode for many reasons:

  • Mr. Willis, the eighth grade social studies teacher, who is there to vote for his wide that recently passed away.
  • The inane trivia from from the President.
  • Mallory and Zoey bulling the boys into taking them (and teasing them when they get there) to the bar in Georgetown.
  • All the census information.
  • Charlie defending Zoey at the bar when the boys start to harass her at the bar.
  • The explanation of the extra money in the budget.
  • The President’s speech to Zoey as he’s yelling at her.

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