Monthly Archives: March 2004

New look…

So I’ve been working on changing my blog look. It’s not significant but I want to take some baby steps since I’m always worried about breaking it. I’ll be doing a few more changes, but I’m not sure how much. I’ll have to see how it turns out and how it looks on other browsers. If this looks funny to anyone please leave a comment about “funny how” and what browser/computer you are using. My biggest concern is the text from the left column running under the right column.

I know the ‘leave a comment’ areas look a little goofy, I’ll clean them up later.

I was bouncing around looking at other blogs and noticed how similar mine still looks to some others. One I went to was a simliar duplicate…. Well, the fun is in the doing.

What Happens at the Equinox (at your house)? – Sunday Brunch

The calendar says it’s officially spring –

  1. Do you get a spring break? No. But most of the teachers and staff leave so it’s a nice time at work to get things done.
  2. Some of us are pretty casual about spring cleaning. Others go to it with a lot of gusto. Which are you? I’m due. My house is the absolute worst it’s every been! (It’s messy not dirty)
  3. Is planting flowers or a vegetable garden on the agenda? I’ll hang some on the railing of my condo (maybe). They better not need any water!
  4. Do you suffer from allergies and do they get worse in the spring? Yes I do. They generally do, but the seasons in Michigan haven’t been very cut and dry lately which doesn’t help any.
  5. How will you celebrate Easter this year? The family will get together most likely, generally a smaller gathering but many will be there. Maybe kidnap some kids to color some eggs and do the regular “stuff”.

These questions are from Sunday Brunch.

If you really want to know what happens at the equinox

Family Traditions – The Saturday-8

I don’t know if I’m going to do this one weekly but I liked it so…

  1. Do you have a specific and unique rule that you or your family follow at the dinner table? I always insist that the food is hot (warmed plates). My step-father always insisted that you wait for the cook. These kinda cancel out each other sometimes. But I think it might be the latter rule that caused me to start the first one!
  2. What is a specific activity, behavior or tradition that occurs in your family during certain holidays or birthdays? If it’s a funeral (or related to) it’s likely that we get Chicken Shack chicken. For some reason we started this with my grandfather and it just stuck. Actually from a small stash of money he had, we used it to buy the chicken. :)
  3. How do the various members of your family greet each other? What about extended family such as cousins, aunts or uncles? Hugs for the women, handshakes for the men.
  4. How do you or your family treat visitors to your house? Are there different treatments for different visitors? If it’s an event of sorts, I’m always in the kitchen getting drinks/food and stuff. Otherwise they know where the ‘fridge is.
  5. What foods are special or unique to your family? Nothing that I can think of, but many of us put syrup on scrambled eggs. It’s really good, you should try it.
  6. What names do you use to call your grandparents or other older relatives? Just the regular grandma/grandpa/aunt/uncle terms.
  7. What values have you learned from your parents? How to save (or I guess not to waste) and how not to treat different people different.
  8. From what countries have your ancestors immigrated? Holland and Germany (not sure on the other side). Grandma was off the boat and I think grandpa was born here.

A Tornado at Burger King

So I’m getting a snack at BK and some sun, I’ve got a spot I like where the sun shines in the window. And a bunch of little girls who are celebrating a birthday came in. I’m not sure how many of them were the Mom’s that was with them but they were a handful. They sure ate a lot too. Mom kept threatening them with no ice cream if they didn’t shape up! It’s pretty much a disaster where they were although it’s the spot that faces the televisions (closed captioned) so all the kids always want to sit there.

They just redid our BK in Dearborn and now it has WiFi. Isn’t technology great!

I tried the new checken tender sandwich (lettuce, tomato and no mayo), it’s better than the old one but Wendy’s spicy is way better. Oh, and I won free french fries too!

Nashville Star

Just an update since I mentioned her a few weeks ago
Unfortunately Rachel didn’t make it to the next phase on Nashville Star. But I keep seeing her on the advertisements for the show. She’s great so be sure to check out her web site.

If You… – The Friday Five

For those of you who don’t know, the Friday Five is a list of five questions posted weekly for people to answer/discuss/etc. in their blogs. I’m going to try and start doing this weekly.

    If you…

  1. …owned a restaurant, what kind of food would you serve? Breakfast all day. It’s my favorite meal. Besides that I always thought I’d change the theme each month. Of course it would have Coca-Cola and WiFi too.

  2. …owned a small store, what kind of merchandise would you sell? Books (with a cafe) or computers. The computers would either be highly specialized treatment with training for the big bucks or something on the opposite end where I’d be offering training to the community.

  3. ..wrote a book, what genre would it be? Computers/technology. Probably a general understanding one, not a real geeky one although I’d like to do that too.

  4. …ran a school, what would you teach? Advanced computers or kindergarten. It’s two different ends of the spectrum, but my dream job would be a 1/2 day of kindergarten and then teaching advanced computers in high school the other half (or maybe 5th grade computers in the same building).

  5. …recorded an album, what kind of music would be on it? Really bad music. I don’t think this would ever happen.

Sedna is Far Out!

sednaIt looks like we’ve got another new planet! And it’s way out there. It’s three times farther from Earth than Pluto. This is an artists rendition, please note the bright dot on the right is our Sun.

Check out CNN, NASA and most importantly the Spitzer Telescope at Caltech where it looks like it was discovered. I should have been an astronomer or an astronaut…

Who doesn’t like Bubblewrap?!?

Just click the link, need I say more?

Actually I do… Be sure to check out Maniac Mode!

You can access this directly here.