Tag Archives: happy birthday

Another Damn Birthday…

So I have another birthday coming up this week (Monday actually). Last year was a milestone and didn’t bug me much at all, for some reason this one is. Maybe because it was a milestone I forced myself to ignore it or maybe it’s just ’cause I’m another year older, still single, still no kids, still still still…

I’ll be fine, I’ve just been annoyed about it the last few days weeks, but good times with friends and family have stopped me from dwelling (and blogging) about it…

I’m down at the Buzz Bar about to watch Blair (currently doing a mic check) and Audra and everything is great(!) but I’ve been trying to get this stuff down…

More info on the Birthday….

WhirlyBall birthdayI never really gave any followup on the birthday, even after all the great comments, here’s a little more info: So last weekend a group of us went to play WhirlyBall, picture a playing catch with a whiffle ball and scoops, but you’re shooting for a target at the end of the court and you’re driving bumper cars (no, I’m not kidding). It’s hysterical, we had a blast, friends, relatives and people I work (and worked) with. They have a bar there and we had pizzia, munchies and (of course) cake.

Lot’ of funny cards, gift cards and books. I’m always pretty had to buy for so there were actually lots of gift cards. I’m not good at the whole getting the gifts thing, I was just be pretty happy to have lots of people there. Afterwards some of us, (I’ll define “us” as the ‘kids’ without any aunts/uncles or parents there), went out for some drinks and more conversation. I went out with friend’s and family at other various times: this means meals, drinks and presents :)

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Thanks for all the birthday wishes!!

Thanks for all the nice comments about my birthday. They were all really great! Today’s the actually day and we’re just about run out to dinner, so I’ll give a little more of a run down tonight or tomorrow. Thanks again!

9/11 means other things too

My whine(?) for the month (I try not to very often):
I remember when September 11 was a regular day and it just meant it was my birthday (and probably 1/365th of everyone else in the world’s birthday too) it was special to me. These last few years it’s been more of an anti-holiday. It’s been nice that it hasn’t been overshadowed with depressing stuff this year, but it’s probably partially due to the other disaster’s going on right now so it’s not really a plus… :(