Tag Archives: 9/11

9/11 means other things too

My whine(?) for the month (I try not to very often):
I remember when September 11 was a regular day and it just meant it was my birthday (and probably 1/365th of everyone else in the world’s birthday too) it was special to me. These last few years it’s been more of an anti-holiday. It’s been nice that it hasn’t been overshadowed with depressing stuff this year, but it’s probably partially due to the other disaster’s going on right now so it’s not really a plus… :(

Graduation again…

So it’s graduation time again. I kept thinking about last years graduation and how emotional it was. This year’s wasn’t as emotional but there was one speech where we didn’t think she was going to be able to finish. She caused a lot of eyes to be not-so-dry.

There really seemed to be an extra connection between the kids and the class as a whole. After listening and thinking about them I realized this was the group, that after a few weeks of just starting high school, that they experienced 9/11 together. I don’t know if that has anything to do with it or maybe it was a smaller group or maybe just one of those things but it was something I noticed…

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Controversial Toy

911toySo what’s your opinion is this just a toy that was found inside a bag of candy? or was there some deeper thought put into it’s creation.

Oh, did I mention the part number of the toy was 9011? Here’s a link to the news story.