Category Archives: reviews

Reviews / feedback / comments on books, movies, television, technology, food, etc. (These might be short snippets and not long reviews)

iPods people just love ’em

People love their iPods!! Or if they don’t have one, they crave one…

Of the hard drive digital music players they have something outrageous like 90% of the market and 40-something percent of the whole (HD and Flash Memory) market. Some numbers depend on how you measure (World, North America, US, etc.)

In a non-Apple-centric world they gotta be doing something right to get that much market share…
Think about it, HP has second place because they are buying the Apple model and adding (note: not removing anything) an HP logo to the back (and probably not offering engraving).

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The Screen Savers revisited

They messed with The Screen Savers again. They dumped Alex who I was just getting used to. Kevin stepped down to do geekier dark segments and they got another Kevin to replace him and Chi-Lan (whom I’ve seen on TSS before?). I guess they got rid of Dan (Foo) and Yoshi. And they dumped the fun opening too (at least so far)…

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Cellular (The Movie)

Cellular (New Line Platinum Series) David R. EllisWow what an intense movie! I’m sure you’ve seen the previews: Kimmy gets kidnapped, the ‘nappers smash the phone in the attic, but she taps the wires together and finally dials a number and gets a guy on his cell phone and has to convince him it’s not a crank call. It’s non-stop excitement film and I’m not sure what else I can tell you without giving parts away. A few good one-liners. The first half was all suspense and the second was all action… William H. Macy, who is always great, is in it and you’ll recognize a bunch of other faces.

National Treasure

NationaltreasureSo on a whim I went to see National Treasure tonight. It had the potential to be not so good, so I was a little ambivalent about it.

It was excellent! DaVinci Code meets Indiana Jones with a little Jerry Bruckheimer thrown in for some chase scenes. His sidekick (Justin Bartha) was fun and Diane Kruger was great (and while I thought she was familiar she’s relatively new to the US movie scene).

Anna Nalick – super-mini review

So the iTunes free song of the week is Anna Nalick‘s “Breathe (2AM)”, this is a great song. Pretty earthy but a few of her other samples seem like there might have more of a beat. It’s only free until Monday the 29th(?).

Check out Single of the Weekher site for more info and more clips…)

I had actually bought it already… It was recently in a movie or on a WB/UPN show and I really enjoyed it. Free is good!

After this week click here – Anna Nalick

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Bourne Supremacy

Good movie. Saw it at the second run theatre for a whole $1.50! Good print quality! A bit to similar to the first though. Too much chasing, not enough McGuyver-ing, some interesting plans/schemes by Bourne and not enough Julia Stiles (and I’m still traumatized sad that I didn’t get to see her in Oleana when I was in London)

What gets me about most of these movies is most them them could be cleared up (or at least explained) by a short phone call, a voicemail, an e-mail from any internet cafe or a fax from the local Kinkos.

Lists make me happy.

Okay, it’s rare that I do postings to just totally promote another site, so you know that means you’ll want to see this one. The list of lists from Timothy McSweeney. (Collected by, not necessarily written by).

My favorites (so far) are:

  • The High-Anxiety Alphabet
  • Letters That Have Never Brought You an Episode of Sesame Street
  • Golf Course Names That Sound Dirty
  • E-mail Addresses It Would Be Really Annoying to Give Out Over the Phone
  • Sexual Euphemisms That Won’t Catch On
  • The Polar Express IN 3D!

    Imax.PolarSo I just got back from The Henry Ford and seeing the Polar Express and it was excellent. I knew it might seem strange but there were lots of action scenes. With the 3D with action scenes were wild. Oh and did I mention it was at the iMax IMAX?

    If you have any interest in seeing this then go see it! Better yet, see it in 3D…

    Kids would like this, my question is: Since the movie is about people doubting about Christmas, would it make some kids doubt it?

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