Category Archives: me + myself + i

Stuff about me, myself and I. If this isn’t enough you can find out more ’stuff’ in the meme category! If it’s in the me category, I generally do not put it in the meme category (except for when I do).

Yeah! Sunshine!!!

I’m out and about running errands (free WiFi at Panera and a lemonade) and it’s gotten sunny out. After the fog weather advisories a few hours ago this is a very welcome change. I’ve been to the doctor (allergy shots), Target (good deals and some normal stuff), Kohls (some awesome clearance items) and the Sprint PCS store (they seem the think that Sprint is still going to release the ultra-geeky Samsung i-550 Palm OS phone!) all before I’m normally even done eating breakfast!

Later: Plus I got to go to the Apple Store (fyi, they just did a speed bump on the powerbooks) and I got to visit my mom at work and I washed my car…

Out of Commission

So I’ve been sick for the last week (still am a little) so not much (any) blogging the past week. I’ve been home from work for a week, it’s been a long time since I’ve felt that crummy. Feeling a bit better today so I thought I’d say I’m alive :)

Haven’t left the house for the last week other than for food, drugs or the doctor. Can you say bored!?!

The Past Year Fast Forwarded

So Srah did this Year in Review thing. Take the first line from the first post of each month and list it out. I liked it. So I did it too! Clicking on the links takes you to all the posts in that month.

Jan) It’s the start of a New Year!
Feb) It’s been so nice outside this weekend.
Mar) Okay, so the Internet has hit rock bottom.

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Mr. Gary and Miss. Hello Kitty in Vegas

Misskitty2005I thought the little kids at work (in the daycare) would think it was funny to see Mr. Gary with Miss. Hello Kitty. I just spotted this while digging through my CES photos and decided to share with you all too!

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Thursday Thoughts #1

Thursday Thoughts is a new weekly meme. Don’t forget you can always links to all sorts of memes at The Daily Meme

Since this is the first of Thursday Thoughts, let’s start with first-time blogging.

1. When did you start your blog/web site?
Just over a year ago, December 2003.
2. Why did you start it? (Is there any specific reason?)
I had kinda been thinking about it and then one night after watching an episode of Joan of Arcadia, I started one up and rambled a bit about her and I’ve been going ever since.
3. What is your blog/site generally about?
It’s a little bit about everything. Me, my life, lots-o-memes, Joan, technology, blogs, movies, books, music, friends, travels and other stuff. Any day now, I’m going to start a separate tech blog so I can get a little geekier about tech; I’ll still mention tech I just won’t get too detailed, that’ll go in the new one.


So I just saw Spanglish and Adam Sandler can really act. This is definitely a drama, not a comedy (although I laughed a lot). I had a few edit issues that seemed out of place but there was nothing else to complain about. A lot happened in the two hour movie that probably took place over six(?) months. If you think you’d enjoy it, you probably will. Just remember it’s not a slapstick Adam Sandler movie.

Spanglish James L. BrooksBut I’m not even writing this to give you the review that you see above, I’m writing this because I like one line that Adam Sandler says. I’m intentionally not quoting it exactly but it was something like “but if that happens then I’ll have to work more and not get to do the stuff I like”. Okay so that makes it sound more selfish when it was really more sappy (but it really wasn’t because I changed the words to not give too much away)t. Here’s the point, it made me think more about my recent post and me not getting to do the things I want to do in life. We’re not even talking about stuff like getting married or having kids, just stuff that I enjoy. I need to figure out a way to do more of that stuff.

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Side Projects

I’ve always got to many things on want to work on: creating web sites, learning, reading, new electronic toys to learn about, organizing stuff, volunteering, traveling and I don’t seem to find the time for any of them. Then there are relationships but that requires me to find a person and then the time; I guess in some ways having the extra time is a bonus (although, I’d rather have it the other way around).

Maybe what I need is a different kind of job, six months on, six months off. That’d stick in some deadlines for those never ending projects and stop things from being put off until next week.

Resolutions from The Nice Guy

NiceguynewyearSo if you don’t read The Nice Guy, you should check it out. This episode deals with resolutions for the new year. It generally deals with this guy Jeff (the nice guy) and the girl he’s crazy about, and their two friends (here’s the cast).

I’m probably more like the guy than I’d like to admit and the girl is any of a dozen different women I’ve fawned over in my life (who never even noticed).

The archives, which has many comics even funnier than today’s, are located here.

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