Category Archives: Costa Rica 2008

Information on my multiple trips to Costa Rica. Specifically about exploring the Nicoya Peninsula and finding places I might like to live.

Well the Power has flickered off and on today

The power has blinked off and on more than a few times today, but not during any of the storms so I don’t know what’s going on. I suppose there could be storms somewhere else (duh!). I did notice many more police out tonight than the last few days maybe they do that when there are power failures…

But now it’s been off for a few minutes. So no fans, no A/C and I’m assuming no running water since I can’t hear the toilet running any more. At least it’s been cool this evening.

It’s just surprising since there have been so many cRaZy storms this trip that I sensed no outage before today.

FYI – It was only out about 5 minutes….

Montezuma Waterfall in Costa Rica

Here’s a very short movie of the Waterfall in Montezuma! Click for the higher quality Montezuma Waterfall version. But people always have problems with the movie files from my Dimage XT camera for some reason so here’s an YouTube version too…

I don’t have much more to say (other than it was awesome) since I talked about it last week when I was there…

Is it “an YouTube”?

Early check-in for my flight

I was prepared to check in, looked at the time and tried it. But my laptop is still on Michigan time so it’s not 24 hours before the flight so I can’t check in. I guess that explains why they didn’t e-mail me about it yet. But I can change my seats so I did that while I was there.

I did manage to plant myself in a big block of empty seats on the way up to Atlanta from Liberia. Not as empty as the way down but should be not to crowded (on the way down many of us had a whole row).

Picture 18From Atlanta to Detroit I see they have this layout (see image) but right now I’m in the yellow seat. One of those double blue seats would have more room as long as no one else squeezes in. Otherwise my yellow seat seems better. Any thoughts?

They’re pretty full so for now I think I’ll wait until closer to the flight to check again…

Later: It’s time for check in, but they wouldn’t let me so I guess I’ll have to do it all at the airport.

It’s Raining Today but it’s a Wonderful Day!

It’s raining out today, pretty hard actually, but I’ve got my covered porch and my high-speed internet so I’m okay from an entertainment standpoint. I’d much rather it be sunny but it’s rainy season and I knew that before I came here. It’s nice and cool out so I don’t need to even have the A/C on. Also, knowing there are a few places to go around here that I can actually park at helps me mentally with the rain.

Knowing how much better I actually feel mentally and physically makes me feel better:)

But it doesn’t look like it’s going to clear up soon (see below image). Clicking the image shows you a live weather view of Costa Rica. I’m around the “155” highway marker on the most left part.

tamarindo weather
Maps courtesy of Google Maps and Weather Underground.

Can you tell I’m feeling more “normal” today?

La Sabana Park in San Jose

Last Friday, I went for a walk during lunch and made you a video. I’m right across the street from where my seminar was. You got the first take since I was on a short time frame :)

I was standing at the East side of the pond about a quarter way up the pond from the road (see map below). I wish I’d had my sunglasses (squint!).

If it won’t play above then you can go watch it at YouTube.

This is a map of La Sabana Park in San Jose. You should be able to zoom in + out and move about like all Google maps. Zoom out a few clicks to see how large it is!

View Larger Map

I shot a video of the guys on the Zip Line too (sorry about the glare).

So I had an “opportunity” to check out the Hospital in Costa Rica …

So except for the last trip I’ve never had any “stomach issues” and on that trip it was very minor and passed in few days (no pun intended). This trip the same thing happened for a few days and by Friday I was feeling fine. But then Saturday came…

I think it was the water in something I ate or drank, I don’t drink the water or take ice, but there are vegetables and juices and all sorts of stuff with water. It could have been the bottle of water I purchased from a street vendor on Thursday, the cellophane on the bottle seemed a little loose but the cap seemed sealed but it had crossed my mind enough to check and it seemed fine (but it’s still in my head).

Feel free to skip the rest of this blog post, I avoid getting graphic but it does have a bit on my experience with the health care here in Costa Rica.
Continue reading

I hate Switching Hotels but I love the Hotel Domus Kahuna

DomuskahunaI love the Domus Kahuna unfortunately they were full when I came to Tamarindo a few days ago. It’s this small cute place a block from the main strip (it’s behind the Voodoo Lounge?) and we only found it by accident last trip (we pulled into the “driveway” to turn around and thought we’d check). Last time we had this tiny two bedroom with living room/kitchenette, I’ve just got a plain room this time but it’s perfect and it’s more than 1/2 off what I’ve paid the last few days. No view of the ocean but it’s only 150 meters to town and the beach and that’s better. I think it comes with a minimal breakfast (at least it did last time) and the free WiFi leaks into the room.

If you’ve been to / heading to Tamirindo, it’s the last turn before you get to the circle at the end of “the strip”; go up one block and hang a left and it’s shortly on your right (careful, the road is awful as soon as you turn off the strip). Continue reading

Beautiful Day in Tamarindo!

Sorry, I’ve been off-line lately, I haven’t had ‘net access or felt well enough to do it (I’ve been really really sick the last few days), but I’m feeling much much better today. I’ll give you the scoop on my experiences with the CR medical system later.

I’m in Tamarindo the next few days, I couldn’t get the little hotel that I liked from last trip, Domus Kahuna, but I grabbed a room at the Best Western Vista Villas since I didn’t feel well enough to go looking for a room (wanted a safe bet); I’d normally avoid the US chains when in Costa Rica. Turns out my room has a view of the ocean and so does the pool/returant area (which also has WiFi), it’s a little bit of a hike down to the water but it’s a great view :)

This is looking like one of the top weather days this trip so far! I think I just need to take it easy for a little bit still. So I’ll drive into town and pick up a few things and then head down and check out the beach.