Tag Archives: Michigan

What Happens at the Equinox (at your house)? – Sunday Brunch

The calendar says it’s officially spring –

  1. Do you get a spring break? No. But most of the teachers and staff leave so it’s a nice time at work to get things done.
  2. Some of us are pretty casual about spring cleaning. Others go to it with a lot of gusto. Which are you? I’m due. My house is the absolute worst it’s every been! (It’s messy not dirty)
  3. Is planting flowers or a vegetable garden on the agenda? I’ll hang some on the railing of my condo (maybe). They better not need any water!
  4. Do you suffer from allergies and do they get worse in the spring? Yes I do. They generally do, but the seasons in Michigan haven’t been very cut and dry lately which doesn’t help any.
  5. How will you celebrate Easter this year? The family will get together most likely, generally a smaller gathering but many will be there. Maybe kidnap some kids to color some eggs and do the regular “stuff”.

These questions are from Sunday Brunch.

If you really want to know what happens at the equinox

“Today” additions to my blog…

So I’ve been working on my blog here and there. The display format is going to change soon but I’m not there yet.

The fun part is that I’m working on a “today” part of my sidebar. Be sure to scroll down and check it out. It’s got the word of the day, the phase of the moon, the sky, what Dearborn, Michigan, USA, Earth looks like at this moment (it shows the sunlight, but since it’s zoomed in the US it’s hard to tell how it works exactly, keep an eye on it around sunrise/set) and the temperature/time. All the graphics are clickable for more detailed looks/infomation. I’m looking for more of these little gizmos so please send me any if you have some ideas (or post in the comments). Looking for a today in history or Detroit/Michigan news one in particular.

With additions of these graphics and being more conscientious of adding graphics to my entries I’ve got quite a few images on the page. This breaks one of my cardinal rules only 4 (or 6) graphics per page (especially start pages). As connections get faster this is less of a problem and I’m really good at defining the size of my images, which helps pages load better/faster. Now if I did entries more often, I’d have less graphics, but when I don’t do them as often I feel like I have to make them better. So I’ve been using a not often used tag called “lowsrc” what this does is load a lower resolution image first so the page gets formatted faster. Here’s my question. Where the images load, before they appear does anyone see the word “loading” appear (in a blocky font) before the actual image? Please post in the comments and let me know if you do (don’t bother if you don’t). Thanks!

Extra Busy…

I don’t know where the time has gone… I’ve been working on a few projects and things but not my blog (actually a little, just not stuff you’ve seen yet. I’ve been at one of my favorite conferences MACUL did a presentation (that I’ve never done before) that went well. Missed two Liz Phair concerts (wasn’t feeling well so I couldn’t do to the drive to Chicago and back), she did a regular concert and played at the Apple Store the next day.

So since I didn’t go there I didn’t get to see Heather either… But she’s in England with Nan for the so she might have some extra interesting posts this week. Finally bought an Xbox to play / hack around with, trying to install Linux, no success yet, but it’s been fun (anyone in the Detroit/Dearborn area who can offer me some help…?). Reading some books which I never seem to remember to comment on. The EXTRA nice part is it’s been sunny the last few days and that’s always nice in the winter!

Rachel Williams on Nashville Star!

Rachel Williams was on Nashville Star tonight. It was pretty great to watch, her mom (who I work with) had given me a CD to listen to before and she’s great (they are from Belleville, Michigan). Rachel has more information on her web site. They’ll be showing that episode a few more times this week.

They go back next week to see who won the voting to go onto Nashville Star 2 (on USA). Be sure to watch!