Tag Archives: iPod

Let’s Go Digital! (Monday Madness)

From the time you get up in the morning until the time you go to bed at night, how many different digital/electronic devices do you use on any given day? Please consider listing them, as it would be interesting to see what everyone comes up with!
A timer automatically turns on a light about 10 minutes before my alarm, the digital alarm clock goes off (playing a CD), I use my remote to turn lights on and off, I use my garage door opener, I play my iPod, I use my cell phone (which is also my day planner), I use the computer at work (and that’s all before lunch).

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Time Travel (not really)

So when I listen to these radio shows and podcasts on my iPod sometimes they’re a little old when I listen to them so the news is a little old too. Sometimes this is disorienting. I’ll hear someone mention the Pope is ill or one other news fact and it throws me off a little bit. When I think about getting the news late, it’s bothered me a little bit and I’m not sure why?

But I’ve been catching up on the TiVo and it’s the same thing when I see ads for the evening news and it’s old too (especially when it’s the weather for tomorrow). The odd thing is the TiVo delays don’t bother me so much (and I recall the same when I used to use my VCR).

So why do the iPod shows bother me more? One big difference is they get mentioned in the actual show (and not in an ad) Adam Curry will mention the Pope or Leo Laporte will mention it’s Easter. I guess maybe that reminds me I’m listening to something old…

Routine Scheduled Maintenance – The Thursday Threesome

Onesome: Routine— Tell us about your morning routine. Do you get up at the same time every day, or do you sometimes hit the snooze button on your alarm clock more often than you should? Do you head straight for the coffee or into the shower?
A bright light turns on automatically just before the alarm, I hit snooze a few times and get up. Turn the shower on, put some bacon on the stove and hop in the shower. Flip the bacon, get some clothes, bacon in the oven to warm and put on an egg. Grab the cellphone out of the charger, drag the podcasts that got downloaded in the night onto the iPod. Flip egg, dress, cut a slice of catelope, eat, leave. (Other than the iPod part this has been my routine for years)
Twosome: Scheduled— What’s on your schedule for the day? Do you schedule every minute or go with the flow?
I gotta go with the flow, but there are days when it’s all pre-scheduled in advance.
Threesome: Maintenance— What do you do to maintain your sanity each day in this hectic world? Do you find a little time to yourself each day and meditate, or wait until everyone’s tucked in for the night and log on to the computer or settle down with a book? Or do you run off to the gym and maintain your body while maintaining your mind?
I always need to escape work and get lunch and I generally read a book while eating. Sometimes I’ll read before bed too (but a different book, since the first one is still in the car).

From The Thursday Threesome

iTunes / iPod Survey

Found this at Maison Pants.

A survey about the songs in your iPod (or just in iTunes).

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Olympus MP3/Camera (m:robe)

So I was kinda sad when I saw the commercial for the beautiful/sleek m:robe MR-500i (the Olympus MP3/camera). I’ve been raving about my photo iPod and now this thing comes along. But on The Screen Savers they just gave it a pretty bad review (no flash, no shutter button, 20 GB, very slow to download songs, $500). Looks beautiful was pretty much all they had to say that was good about it… And what’s up with the dumb name?

So I still feel pretty great about my iPod Photo (and isn’t that what really matters?).

Best way to be a podcast listener!

So I know I’ve mentioned podcasting before. Listening to podcasts has become a little bit of an obsession for me. The trick is to get the audio files from the Internet and onto your iPod (or other music player). For that you need a podcasting client. The one I use is called iPodderX and it runs on Macintosh OS X. This is probably one of the better clients I’ve seen and it just added the feature I wanted which now makes it the best client I’ve seen.

IpodderxWhat you do with a client is tell it what feeds (shows) you want to listen to and it gets them for you. It’ll check every few hours pulling down new files for you and put them into a directory and/or itunes for you. iPodderX does all this and more…

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Free Music (13 iTunes Tracks)

Free iTunes Sampler Album. Courtesy of The Neurotic Fishbowl and the iPod Lounge. Actually, it’s probably really courtesy of the iTunes store and the artists…

Music at 20,000 feet

So I’m on my way back to Detroit. I downloaded a bunch of blogs to read on the plane and I’m also listening to my iPod. Right now I’m listening to Toby Lightman which I purchased from the iTunes store a ways back. I also heard Stumblin’ by Powderfinger, Sway by The Perishers and lots of stuff (Live on 8/27/04) from Claudia Jane – who appears to have recently given up blogging :(

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