So the last few times I’ve gone to lunch (at the park in the background) I’ve seen this car and I really like it. It’s not often that I like cars especially enough to take pictures, but I was pretty sure this wasn’t a new car and it’s really in excellent shape; this photo doesn’t do the condition of the car justice.

Of course I had to look at the back to figure out what kind of car it is (I know very little about cars). The back says:

Which (of course) I’d never heard of, so with aid of Google I decide it’s a Alfa Romeo Spider which makes it at least from 1993 since they haven’t made them since then. It’s a neat little convertible, something I’d probably never get unless I hit the lottery. Why? Because it’s not very functional and I’d need a place to store it. How about a hybrid version and then I could justify it, but I’d still need a larger vehicle to go with it.
This is my 31 photos in 31 days photo for today.