Monthly Archives: June 2004

Feast Four – Friday’s Feast

What kind of car do you drive? If you could make an even trade for any other car, what would you want to drive?
Sebring convertible. I love it. I don’t have anything I’d really rather have that’s practical at all. Maybe one of those cars you can drive into the water and it’s a boat too? Those are convertibles too, right?
Take your phone number and add each number together separately (example: 8+6+7+5+3+0+9=38) – what’s the total?
When were you last outside, and what were you doing?
An hour ago and I was bike riding.
Main Course
What is your favorite restaurant, and what do you usually order there?
No real favorite but I usually have a favorite thing or two from each resturant. I have two Chinese restaurants I eat at every-time I’m in the Lansing Area (Beef with Broccoli and Pineapple Chicken).
Name 3 things in which you occasionally indulge.
Cookie Dough ice cream. Cookie sandwiches from Melting Moments in Mid-Michigan. Waffle Toffee Crunch Sundae ( warm Belgian waffle topped with vanilla ice cream, maple syrup and laced with toffee crunch pieces) from Garfunkle’s in England.

From Friday’s Feast.

Unfinished Memes

I’ve started a few memes and never gotten done, so I’m grabbing the answers I’ve done and putting them together as a big mish-mash.

How often do you go grocery shopping?
Once a week, maybe every other but it still requires a quick stop somewhere for the perishables (cantelope, eggs, milk, etc.)
What do you like shopping for most often?
Electronic Gizmos.
Are you an impulse shopper?
Sometimes. Usually not for the expensive toys. Impulse on book purchases on offbeat topics that I might never use.
There’s a movie being made about your life! Which celebrity will play you? Why?
Tom Hanks or Michael Keeton. People always tell me I look like them. Casual and curly chair I hear Tom. In a suit I hear Michael (many times specifically referencing Bruce Wayne).
If you were president what would your top 5 priorities be? What would you like to accomplish?

  1. Education (bigger better smarter)
  2. Information Access Equity (Internet)
  3. Taxes (Push the burden higher up)
  4. Traffic Safety ($400 fine for not using your blinker!)
  5. Make it easier to prosecute people when the evidence is clear.

Things that go bump in the night – The Thursday Threesome

Onesome: Things that go– What’s the strangest contraption you’ve ever had to use to get from point A to point B?
After thinking about it, probably my legs and feet. A bike is just some wheels and gears but your legs and feet are pretty complicated for actually working and lasting for as long as they do.
Twosome: Bump– Have you ever hurt yourself doing something you weren’t supposed to be doing?
In gymnastics in college, I was using the vault without a spotter. I fell and knocked myself silly but I stood up and acted like I was fine or I knew the professor would kill me…
Threesome: In the night– Do you believe in things that go bump in the night or anything supernatural?
Yes. But it’s only “super”-natural in that we don’t understand it (yet).

From The Thursday Threesome

Roommates – 3x Thursday

1. Have you ever had a roomate? If so, do you like living with other people, or would you rather have your own space?
I only had long-term roommates once (for 3 years), otherwise it was just a few summers in college. A friend couldn’t decide if to share an apartment with me or a girlfriend. So we all ended up living together. It worked out great. They got the big room, they did everything together so they were gone 2/3 of the time and we have kinda-opposite schedules. Most of my friends didn’t even believe I had roommates! Besides that, they were great too!
2. If you’ve had roommates, got any horror stories? If not, if you had to, would you get a roommate, or get a 2nd job to pay for rent?
No horror stories. I’d get one if I had too. It’s fun occasionally.
3. Describe the ideal roommate.
Neat, has money to pay the rent, lots of single friends…
Bonus Question for Comments: What *is* it about having one’s own space that is so appealing?
I grew up a single child so I always had my own room and space. It’s nice when you want to move/do things that you don’t have to worry if someone else will care or be bothered by it. Very low concern / stress issues.

From 3x Thursday

Just put it down.

From JoA – “Everyone has a part of themselves that they don’t like. They carry it around like a weight. But what they have to do is know when to set it down”. Maybe not an exact quote but the idea is there. Just set it down, ignore it, live the other 99.9% of your life. I know it’s a lot easier to say it than to do it. But sometimes we forget it. I know other’s do and I know I do too. I just thought it was an interesting thing to hear. It was a rerun of Joan and about everyone being upset or bothered about something.

I just really liked the thought. I’ll be thinking about it for a bit…

Vanity – What’s On Right Now

What’s On your ‘vanity license plate’ (otherwise known as personalized license plate) Right Now? (If you were to have one?) SWM 38 :)

From What’s On Right Now

Color of my loud thoughts – Wednesday Whatevers

1. Do you think out loud?
No. But sometimes I need to talk something through with someone, with them nodding and saying “uh-huh” so that I can work the process through (by myself).
2. What color pen do you prefer to write in?
Red. It makes it more important and it’s easier to mark things on other documents.
3. How would you describe your voice?
Too fast fast for human comprehension.

From Wednesday Whatevers

Karma? dis-Synchronicity?

  • So on Saturday I was thinking about one friend and I hadn’t gotten in touch for a while and that I had been (extra) remiss in keeping in touch. That night I get an e-mail from his wife (with a techie question), what are the odds?
  • Same day I was thinking about a friend who I hadn’t heard from in a while. Health problems for her and her husband, I’ve called every so often and gotten different answering machine messages so I assumed the messages were getting through. Sunday morning I noticed on my caller ID a call from their number. I didn’t really want to play it since I was pretty sure it wasn’t good news. But what are the odds of a phone call from them? And the last time she called late at night in crisis mode was the same night my step-father took a turn for the worse before he passed away. Just odd coincidences. (Finally caved and played the message, not good news, but not horrible either. But her comments about not calling back were very similar to my thoughts about not keeping in touch with the other friend.)
  • Saturday night on the way home (a very nice ride by the way) I drove by a nice park, I’m sure I’ve driven that way at least once (maybe twice before) but somehow not noticed it (but it’s huge). Saw a nice church made a notation of the times but didn’t get up in time. Was thinking about the other stuff during the day on Sunday went over to the park to relax and decided to go to church instead. The only one I’ve every gone to around here. The one with the super-friendly Father with the accent so strong you aren’t surprised when you find out her does sermons at another parish completely in Polish. I come out afterwards get inside and the radio is playing (odd) and they I realize the steering column is broken from when they tried to steal it while I was inside. A very odd anti-coincidence. Maybe more of an odd series of circumstances that let to me getting some negative feedback for going to church instead of rollerblading. :)

    Just odd how things happen. I know there is a reason they call them coincidences but it’s just odd.