Monthly Archives: June 2004

Salem’s Lot

I’m am not a horror fan or a gore fan, not by any means. The last movie of that sort I recommended was the Sixth Sense (not much gore) and before that it was probably The Lost Boys, both probably more suspenseful than horror/gore. I couldn’t understand why Rob Lowe would do a movie like this. And it had Samantha Mathis in it (sigh!). Rutger Hauer and Donald Sutherland (who’s probably the only guy whose done a wider range of movies than Keanu Reeves) and a million other people you’d like.

I really enjoyed this movie, I’m sure they are going to re-run it on TNT about 5,000 times in the next month. My heart was pounding a good bit of the second half and I kept noticing it…

It was interesting that it actually started in Detroit. I don’t want to give anything away so I’ll say no more. If you thought it looked interesting then you should go watch Salem’s Lot.

And speaking of Keanu, The Devil’s Advocate was pretty good too. And Constantine will be out soon, it was a great comic, we’ll see how it adapts to the big screen.

High School – Monday’s Memories

What is your favorite high school Memory? We had a great trip to Toronto in my Junior year. Made a lot of the friends I still have today. Just had a lot of fun, caused a lot of trouble, bounced all around town, played a lot of cards… (No disrespect to any memories to any girls I knew then, I’m just not a guy to kiss and tell…)

From the NEW meme listed at The Daily Meme this is from Monday’s Memories.

Seclusion – QOTW

Assume that you have to spend six months in total seclusion, in a room about the size of a one-car garage. You will not be allowed any visitors during these months, but you may take with you any three objects of your choice… provided you can carry them in your arms when you enter the room. Food, drink, and clothing will be provided for you daily. What three objects would you bring along?
I’m assuming a toilet, heat, light, electricty and A/C? Do I get dessert?

Their seems to be some different thoughts as to weather there is Internet/phone/(WiFi?) access…
I suppose either way, I want:

  1. a Macintosh computer loaded with software, MP3, videos, eBooks, etc. (I’d like books to hold but I could deal with e-books if I had to.)
  2. A bunch of Sharpies (all the colors and thicknesses) to draw on the walls (or paper) with.
  3. Printer (with paper and ink).

This was tricky since there weren’t many restrictions listed. I tried to stick into what I understood from the question. Is a box of sharpies one object? Is printer and paper?

If I don’t have 2-way Internet (which I’d trade either other the last two items for) I’d even take one way Internet (retrieve only), I’d even take one way avoiding the news sites (depending on the definition of seclusion).

I’ll have to pay attention to what I do in a day to see what I need… See what others think…

From QOTW.

Fun In The Sun – Sunday Brunch

1. Do you prefer the beach or a pool?
Beach! Ocean!
2. What kind of tan are you most likely to get during the summer… a beautiful, bronze, laying out in the sun for hours tan; a gradual, few minutes a day tan; a “farmer tan” from working outdoors; or do you just get as red as a lobster and peel the next day?
I usually burn once per per year, the first time out and then I peal a little and then I’m fine after that.
3. Which summertime water activity are you more likely to enjoy the most… boating, jet skiing, waterskiing, swimming or floating down a lazy river on a tube?
Floating down the river. But I’d probably enjoy just sitting by the river and listen to the water rushing by…
4. What is your favorite picnic food?
Brats on the grill. And Coke.
5. Do you know how to cook on a barbeque grill?
You bet! I usually cook my non-breakfast meals on a grill.

From Sunday Brunch.

Unconscious Mutterings 72

  1. Abundance:: Food
  2. Casino:: Vegas Baby!
  3. Shell:: Ocean
  4. Overpriced:: Cars
  5. Cancellation:: Magazine
  6. Eternal:: Youth
  7. Lyrics:: Music
  8. Faith:: Hope
  9. Because:: I said so.
  10. Wimp:: Chicken

From Unconscious Mutterings

Continue reading

Angels – First Four

What are the first four things you think of when I say: Angels

  • Halos
  • Wings
  • White
  • Church

    From the First Four.

  • bubble, bubble, toil and trouble! – saturday8

    1. when was the last time you cooked for friends?
    Probably Easter, I had the whole family over, probably about 15 of us?
    2. what did you cook?
    Ham, but all I really had to do is reheat it.
    3. what is the dish/meal/course that you prepare exceptionally well, and what makes it SO good?
    People generally like my spaghetti (meat sauce, bread sticks, etc.). Nothing super about it but it’s just that there is generally nothing wrong with it. I make waffles for a good breakfast but that’s always hard to coordinate.
    4. the girl who cooked for my sorta-bf brought her sister-in-law over to help her cook. they both wound up burning themselves all over the kitchen. when was the last time you gave yourself a good burn in the kitchen? do you recall what you were preparing?
    Probably trying to pull something out of the over I was reheating on a piece of foil instead of on a pan.
    5. the s-i-l wound up putting cheddar cheese on a chicken, and calling it the main course. since my sorta-bf and his friends are israeli, they didn’t understand the concept of ruining a bone-in chicken with cheddar. what was the last meal you ate that really confused you – maybe you thought you were ordering one thing, but got something completely different, or a friend/lover cooked something you’d never seen before?
    I don’t really cook with recipies, but I just eat the basics so if it’s got more than a few ingredients and someone else cooked it I’m sure I looked at it funny.
    6. how old were you when you first began to cook?
    Little, I grew up with a single mom so I’m sure I was still in elementary school. Maybe 9?
    7. what are your thoughts on cooking? love it? hate it? take it or leave it?
    I’m fine with it, it’s cooked exactly the way I like it when I do it!
    8. if your SO suddenly developed 5* chef-quality cooking abilities and he/she was to cook you an amazing romantic meal him/herself, what would you love to have them prepare for you?
    Something they thought I would like.

    From saturday8.

    Travel Time – Friday Forum

    1) Are you taking a summer vacation this year? If so, where are you heading? If you already went on vacation, where did you go?
    London, England!!!!
    2) Planes, trains, or automobiles…what is your preferred mode of transportation to get to your vacation get-away?
    I absolutely love the train. Lots of room, no waiting, no running around (the airport) lots of time to relax and get stuff done.
    3) Any vacation locales you would recommend for those looking for ideas?
    Costa Rica! I like the Jaco area on the Pacific side of the country.
    4) What US city/state have you never been to but would love to visit?
    Hawaii would be a nice trip.
    5) What international city/country have you never been to but would love to visit?
    Paris, France. I’ve always wanted to go.

    From Friday Forum