Salem’s Lot

I’m am not a horror fan or a gore fan, not by any means. The last movie of that sort I recommended was the Sixth Sense (not much gore) and before that it was probably The Lost Boys, both probably more suspenseful than horror/gore. I couldn’t understand why Rob Lowe would do a movie like this. And it had Samantha Mathis in it (sigh!). Rutger Hauer and Donald Sutherland (who’s probably the only guy whose done a wider range of movies than Keanu Reeves) and a million other people you’d like.

I really enjoyed this movie, I’m sure they are going to re-run it on TNT about 5,000 times in the next month. My heart was pounding a good bit of the second half and I kept noticing it…

It was interesting that it actually started in Detroit. I don’t want to give anything away so I’ll say no more. If you thought it looked interesting then you should go watch Salem’s Lot.

And speaking of Keanu, The Devil’s Advocate was pretty good too. And Constantine will be out soon, it was a great comic, we’ll see how it adapts to the big screen.

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