Viagra, Penises, Spam, iPods and Love

It’s a little annoying that when comments get spammed because I have the plugin (scode captcha) that asks you the the little question before you post. I can’t imagine they just put in the code for the dozen spam messages, so maybe they got past it somewhow. I’ll take some tips on this if you have them (MT 2.661).captcha code

The odd thing is that it’s just a message full of URLs and the word penis and viagra (etc.) all over it. I’d probably not notice it as quick if they only did one (instead of a dozen). But what I don’t get is why doesn’t the message say something more like, “It’s great the you got a new iPod Photo, but you should see what I bought and I’m sure it made my sex life better than your new iPod did.” I’m sure they’d get a few more takers to click on it…

Sidebar: Now currently I don’t have much of a sex-life but and since there is not a significant other at this point that’s okay. So if that’s the case and I’m going to be walking around with something hard in my pocket all day it might as well be something I’m using (like an iPod).

I am looking to change this part, the significant other part (the sex part comes much later). So if you think I’m a nice read or have a friend who would might think so… I can always be reached at the address on my About Me page.

4 responses to “Viagra, Penises, Spam, iPods and Love

  1. I’m using the MTBlacklist plugin. It won’t completely stop spam commenting, but it sure does keep repeat offenders away. It bans based on the url they are submitting.

  2. I agree and suggest MT Blacklist as well. While it’s not a install and never look back solution, it certainly gives you a much better grip on things. In fact, I’ve combined MT Blacklist with a second script that automagically closes comments after a preset time, depending on the activity on them.

    That prevents it from closing comments that are still actively being replied to, yet takes away the window of opportunity for spammers to stuff their crap in your hundreds of unclosed and older comments.

  3. I installed the number box when I used MT and had no problems with it.
    Now I’m using WordPress, I have had some real problems – I started using comment moderation when I was recieving a spam comment every 30 seconds. I opened my e-mail and found literally hundreds of postings, and they were a real nightmare to get rid of. That was via gra / pok er etc…, usual stuff.
    I’ve got a similar plugin to install for WordPress, I’m just too lazy/busy to do it yet.

    I don’t think the spammer is necessarily trying to get you to click their link – it’s probably all about improving their Google listings.

    Spammers are stupid.

  4. I’ve heard that some spammers actually have a clever automated system hooked up where they take your captcha and use it as their own captcha for people to access something like porn. So they take the entry that the porn-viewer enters and feed it back to your own entry system.

    Or maybe they just do it manually; I’m not sure why they’d care to devote the time and effort to captcha-defeating someone’s blog comment system.

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