Category Archives: reviews

Reviews / feedback / comments on books, movies, television, technology, food, etc. (These might be short snippets and not long reviews)

iPod (Photo) Review

So this thing is great. If you’re not sure what this thing is I’m talking about my new iPod Photo 60GB music/photo player (15,000 photos or 25,000 photos). I knew I’d like it, I’ve missed my MP3 player for the car (I had a 20 GB in the trunk model). I’ve got several thousand songs on this thing and I’m really liking podCasting (downloading radioshows and talk shows, some Internet only) to listen to when I want to.

I hate “ear buds” and I’m actually starting to like these (but I keep getting them all tangled up). It seems that other non-ear bud people seem to like them too.

I’ve barely looked at the photo options so far but it seems like a nice bonus. The photos scroll through SO fast it’s not even funny. It’s like something from a sci-fi show where the show the digital photo album and scroll through the photos at 200 miles per hour. Apple said they didn’t include video, but it’s fast enough for that but they just didn’t sync the audio to it. Maybe someone will patch it for that…

The key thing is I love it and I know there are still a lot of capabilities that I haven’t even come close to tapping into yet.

I’ll chat more about the other features later (and what is podcasting).

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Portable XM Player

So why would you want a portable XM radio that’s $350 dollars (and $10 a month) that you need to be able to connect to the satellite with when you could buy an iPod (or something similar, I suppose) put whatever you have on it and play what you want when you want it?? For $50 less you can carry 5,000 songs or $50 more you could carry 10,000!

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The Forgotten

I really enjoyed The Forgotten. You’ve got to walk in with on open mind and be thinking conspiracy and a little Sixth Sense. And don’t ignore your theories as strange as they are. I can’t say much more (without giving stuff aways) other then Julianne Moore is great (as always) and so is Dominic West as her reluctant sidekick (they are the stars of the show). The others who were really good were Alfre Woodard, Garey Sinese and Anthony Edwards.Theforgotten

I really can’t tell much about the movie other than just watch it. Be sure not to watch too much of the previews or surf their site too much, it might give a bit too much away. It’s just a little creepy, but there is a puzzle that you can figure out. I do have one hint for you.

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Why not vote?

So here’s a site for you to find out about some issues. Some issues appear on the screen and click on one if it interests you. It gives you several facts (of each candidate) and you pick the one you like best and it tells you which candidate it goes with.

This is very cool, I assume the information is accurate but you never know. There’s even an educational version that is modified to make if more appropriate for kids (or your low-IQ friends).

Light Pollution

You can definitely see the eclipse and see that it’s RED but it’s just to hard to really see it well. :(

Veronica Mars – Alias meets Nancy Drew

KristenbellSo I’m refining my review of Veronica Mars. The last episode was more of a Alias meets Nancy Drew. In addition to the flashbacks, prom and memorial there were outfit changes, hidden microphones, security systems and computers broken into and data exchanged (or destroyed). Very Cool..

Six Feet Under

I love this show, for some reason I only watch it when I’ve got time on my laptop. It’s a show about a bunch of dysfunctional relationships. Dad died and the family is trying to run the family funeral home. The secretive gay brother who dates a cop. The “lost” sister who’s either confused or lost. The mom who feels too much guilt (I can’t give away why). The cool brother who dates the genius girlfriend with a possibly even more dysfunctional family.

It’s hysterical. I think it’s still on HBO. Problem with viewing while traveling is that sometimes the funeral home gets a little graphic (minus) and there is nudity (sometimes not a minus). Check it out. The first few seasons are out on DVD.

Smallville – 2004 season

So in someways I like the new season, but in others… It’s back to feeling like the first season, too many kryptonite monsters (i.e. Buffy the Kryptonite infected monster slayer). I was just starting to like Lois and now she seems to be off the show, I thought I saw her in some WB cast promos so I thought she’d be around a little longer.

The show definitely has more sex appeal. And uptight Clark just seems to be getting hit on/made out with/getting caught with too many women. While everyone else is lying to someone else about something. And it bugs me when Lana lies to Clark, they’ve got them set up as the destined lovers… (Even though we know he marries a different LL)

So to wrap it all up it’s kinda Buffy meets Smallville 90210. If you can handle it and keep track of the characters go for it!

But you have to love the slo-mo “bullet-time” effects when Clark rushes into action.

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