Category Archives: reviews

Reviews / feedback / comments on books, movies, television, technology, food, etc. (These might be short snippets and not long reviews)

The Beekeeper – Tori Amos

So I picked up The Beekeeper today. It really does reminds me of her older albums (even the packaging). I’m liking it so far. There seems to be two versions a reguluar version with 19 tracks and a limited edition with the same album, a DVD and some seeds to plant (I’m not kidding). The DVD has a really long interview thing that I haven’t really listened to yet and a extra track (Garland) that appears to be part video / part slideshow (with quotes from her book Tori Amos: Piece by Piece). Most places seem to have the regular for $12-ish and the deluxe for $16-ish (YMMV).

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ConstantineSo I enjoyed Constantine . They did a pretty good job of moving the story-line from England to the United States. Great special effects. Keanu did a pretty good job with the character. It hard to put such a complex story and backgound into a movie and still explain it to the general public. I was never a huge Hellblazer fan (the John Constantine comic) but I read it on and off. I do recall reading the “Dangerous Habits” story that they stole a few parts from and recognized a few other characters (even with the changes) from other stories. It’s not a typical Keanu Reeves film and if this kind of movie doesn’t interest you then I’m not going to say go see it (because it’s bizarro) but if it does interest you then go see it.

I just bought the coolest monitor…

SharplcdI’ve been wanting a LCD monitor for my other computer. Hadn’t seen any great deals since I made the decision. Then I saw an awesome price (read below) on this 15“ Sharp LCD TV with built-in TV (antenna or cable) w/CC and RCA video and S-video and a headphone jack and a remote (batteries included) and built-in speakers…

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The Broker

So I read The Broker by John Grisham. It starts a little slow (and a little confusing) but really picks up. It’s a lot of chase/run/hide/chase/run, some twists, a little bit of hi-tech (no law) and some spies. During the relocation the learning of a new language is a very interesting sub-plot of the story. Once again I don’t want to give too much away so you get the mini-review. If you like Grisham you’ll like this.

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Rider, Alex Rider

So I’ve started reading these books Stormbreaker, Point Blank and Skeleton Key.

Alex Rider, who as all good kid characters happen to be is an orphan, ends up being a junior spy for MI-6 (spy group in London). It’s a kid’s book, so you need a little suspension of disbelief, but it’s really well done. It’s even educational at times (I learned a bit about the breakup of Russia). He even gets some neat spy gizmos to carry around (no guns). The books do build on each other so be sure to read them in order (Stormbreaker is the first). Also to keep in mind is that I think each book has been better than the previous one, so if you only like the first one a little, give the next one a chance. The author’s name is Anthony Horowitz (I just realized I left that out, March 18th, 2005)

Olympus MP3/Camera (m:robe)

So I was kinda sad when I saw the commercial for the beautiful/sleek m:robe MR-500i (the Olympus MP3/camera). I’ve been raving about my photo iPod and now this thing comes along. But on The Screen Savers they just gave it a pretty bad review (no flash, no shutter button, 20 GB, very slow to download songs, $500). Looks beautiful was pretty much all they had to say that was good about it… And what’s up with the dumb name?

So I still feel pretty great about my iPod Photo (and isn’t that what really matters?).

Best way to be a podcast listener!

So I know I’ve mentioned podcasting before. Listening to podcasts has become a little bit of an obsession for me. The trick is to get the audio files from the Internet and onto your iPod (or other music player). For that you need a podcasting client. The one I use is called iPodderX and it runs on Macintosh OS X. This is probably one of the better clients I’ve seen and it just added the feature I wanted which now makes it the best client I’ve seen.

IpodderxWhat you do with a client is tell it what feeds (shows) you want to listen to and it gets them for you. It’ll check every few hours pulling down new files for you and put them into a directory and/or itunes for you. iPodderX does all this and more…

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MT-Blacklist Rules(!) for blog spam (and so does Jay Allen)

So I finally installed MT-Blacklist to help cut down on my comment (and trackback) spam. “Why?” you ask… Because after getting mildly annoyed here and there with the occasional comment spam (and the very rare trackback spam) I got hit with 470 trackback spams in one night! And another 30-40 the next day before I even had a chance to start deleting the others!

Mt blacklist Let me tell you MT-Blacklist installed like a charm and in less time than it would have taken me to delete 100 spams it took care of all 470. That’s the fastest I’ve ever hit a PayPal donation button!!!

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