Category Archives: reviews

Reviews / feedback / comments on books, movies, television, technology, food, etc. (These might be short snippets and not long reviews)

Revenge of the Sith

So I really enjoyed the movie. It really tied together a lot of the loose ends. I’m sure there are a lot of unanswered questions still but it probably wraps up most of the questions. We saw it on Friday afternoon and there wasn’t much of a crowd, I guess the die-hard fans all skipped work/school the day before or when the the midnight show the day before.

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Goldfish at my table…

So I’m at the The Little Cafe’ on the Avenue (Dearborn) and in the middle of my table instead of flowers or a candle or something I’ve got goldfish!!! That’s kinda unique…

They have WiFi too! Plus, I didn’t realize that had food too, I thought they just had drinks and desserts, I would have been here way before now…

Enterprise – The Series Final Episode

So I really enjoyed the final hour (it was really two one-hour episodes) and I really wasn’t expecting that after the first hour. I just watched it (I just love TiVo) and I have spoilers so don’t read on if you haven’t watched it yet (I’m assuming real Star Trek geeks already watched it).

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Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

So I’ve read all five books in the trilogy (yes, I said that right) and was hesitant in seeing the movie. A few people (such as Heather) said it was worth seeing so I went. It was hysterical! You’ve got to remember it’s slightly british humor, it’s not Monty Python or Benny Hill but it’s definitely not American sitcom humor.

Some of the movie was exactly like the book. His response to the Vogon poetry was exactly how I remembered the wording from the book with the same intonation as I imagined it. His memories of Tricia were a little exaggerated if I recall exactly and some other subplots I don’t really remember or maybe they were exaggerated for the movie. But they needed to make a lot of weird stuff fit in a two hour movie. I enjoyed it. If you liked the books and understand that books are not movies (and thus cannot be represented exactly the same) you will enjoy it too.

Veronica Mars (Season End)

Very exciting season ending!!! I liked!

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A slanted PC Magazine feature

So this Backspace article in the May 24, 2005 issue of PC Magazine they decide to look at some blogs to see “is blogging the new journalism?” and “is mainstream media truly obsolete?”

They then proceeded to to quote a dozen different blogs. Most were some really really boring entries from and the rest were just mostly boring (I did like a few entries). And that was it! I guess that it was supposed to stand on it’s own to make it’s point. I think this is the first time that I recall Backspace not being a bunch of Leno-ish goofball typos or web/magazine layout faux-paus…

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A Lot Like Love – Review

So I really like Ashton Kutcher when he’s not being goofy Ashton Kutcher, I like it when he’s normal Ashton Kutcher. Amanda Peet and AK were great in this movie. They kept meeting under different circumstances something always from being a couple. It’s interesting how they start in the past and work their way into the present. The soundtrack follows along with the time and very timely in the present they play Anna Nalick (who’s excellent album came out this week). A lot like love is both very sweet and very cute (both the movie and Amanda). So score some points and drag your girlfriend out to the movie or get your boyfriend to take you (it’s not such a chick flick that he’ll spend too much time complaining about it).

Enormous Omelet Sandwich – The Meal

BkomeletI know I mentioned it before but I finally had an Enormous Omelet Sandwich at Burger King. It’s delicious!!! I ate the whole thing, I almost always never finish a whole huge burger. Two sausage patties, cheese, egg, bacon all on a huge sub-like bun. I had to rush to get out of the house because it was 10:30 and I was afraid they were about to stop serving but I made it and it was delicious!!!

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