Category Archives: reviews

Reviews / feedback / comments on books, movies, television, technology, food, etc. (These might be short snippets and not long reviews)

Why waste time and resources?!?

So Panera (which in my opinion is the fastest restaurant ever) has implemented using those little pagers they give you at restaurants when you have to wait to get a table. Usually they are calling my name before I even get to the pickup area so this seems like a total waste. It’s something else to handle while getting change and your drink and napkins and stuff. Plus these pagers are the ones shaped like coasters, you don’t really have anything to “coast”…

This post brought to you via free Wifi at Panera :)

Aimee didn’t disappoint!

So Aimee Mann was in Ann Arbor tonight. It was in the Michigan Theater, I kept thinking Hill Auditorium and then I realized it was somewhere else. Obviously I figured it out, it was right around the corner, a really nice small venue and I was in the front row. It was a great seat, no one could even really be in front of you. I’ve been there before but I can’t remember for what (maybe something jazzy with Lou?). I got a Philly Steak sandwich and then a Long Island at the place that used to be Dooley’s. And the whole town appears to have WiFi (blogging and booze, now that’s just a bad idea).

Aimee was great!!! She was excellent to listen to and interesting to watch. It was the last show of the tour so she kinda blamed the technical glitches on that. This would be the guitar (from hell) that wouldn’t tune, she thought it sounded so bad she stopped in the middle of the song and then apologized about a gazillion times. I didn’t get any pictures (that’ll come in Audra’s review) and he didn’t play some of her classics: Red Vines, Voices Carry and the 3rd one I had in my head when I started typing this sentence.

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The worst napkins ever

Napkins are napkins, right? Sure some might be bigger or fluffier or prettier but they’re all generally the same. At least in my experience. I picked up some America’s Choice generic napkins the other day and every time I use them I cringe. They aren’t very absorbent and kinda non-porous. Their qualities reflect that of paper more than napkins. I could probably run these babies through my ink-jet printer except they might not absorb the ink.

She cried and cried…

Tristin beautySo my favorite beauty got kicked off of Beauty and the Geek 2 tonight but not before she had a few breakdowns. First she was watching her geek while he was speed dating (he forgot she was listening) and he insulted her intelligence. Then he screwed up the apology (a few times) and made her cry some more and insulted her again (so she cried more). Plus they got sent to elimination (the third time in a row) so she cried a few more times. And then the part that made me sad, they lost the elimination round and won’t be back. She was just nicer than the others and seemed more normal that the other ones.

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Liz Phair – iTunes Originals

LizphairitunesoriginalsSo I bought the iTunes Originals album with Liz Phair. It’s great so far I really like her commentary between the songs. I think it’s 12 songs and 11 commentary tracks for $9.99, now that’s a deal. She covers the whole range of her songs old and new so I think I’ll enjoy the rest. (There is a non-explicit version if you poke around the store, I’m assuming it’s missing a few of the older tracks).

I’ve seen her in concert a few times and I’ve always enjoyed her (I’ve mentioned Liz Phair before).

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The Closer – Review

ThecloserSo I really like The Closer on TNT. I didn’t catch it until the end of last season (I think it conflicted with something else so I didn’t see it much), I like if more and more each episode. It’s pretty much a cop show with Kyra Sedgewick as Deputy Chief Brenda Johnson who says ‘Thank You’ so much you could probably make a drinking game out of it.

She’s got this great southern drawl and is always very politer (even when she isn’t). They just started rerunning them in order (I think) and I really like they way they are introducing the characters. She’s a messy, junk food junkie and she’s got an awful sense of direction so she’s late for everything.

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Three Movie Previews

So I was watching “Coming Attractions” a weekly show on E! that shows six or eight movie previews in a half hour (I TiVo this every week). Three new ones (new to me at least) in particular caught my eye:

  • Take the Lead (March 24, 2006): A slightly new twist on the substitute teacher in the NY public schools detention room. Antonio Banderas is the former professional dancer (instructor?) who subs for the class during the day and brings ballroom to them. Based on the story of ballroom dancer Pierre Dulane. This looks really good.
  • Imagine Me And You (January 27, 2006 Limited Release): Another new twist on love, wanting what you can’t have and how to know if they’re “the One”. This looks great! It has a bunch of people I’ve never seen before (other than Giles from Buffy who plays the father of the possible bride to be). I’m looking forward to a trip to the Main or Maple in January (this would be the theaters most likely to get these limited release movies).
  • The DaVinci Code (May 2006): I’m only mentioning it because I was very interested in this movie. Tom Hanks with Ron Howard directing, it’s just got to be good. This preview was such a snoozer that I just had to mention it with my two good previews. Although I did like that Jean Reno was going to be in it, I’ve always liked min.
  • Anna Nalick in Concert!!!

    anna nalick So Anna was great!!! She was at the Soaring Eagle in Mt. Pleasant, pretty small theatre, mostly good seats everywhere (try and stay away from the sides). We were pretty close up front (but to the side) and I snuck up closer to catch a few of the songs. She only played for about 40 minutes so that was a little disappointing but it was a great 40 minutes. No new songs either. I took a few shots but as usual the low light just didn’t come out very well. At some point she realized she didn’t have a set list and didn’t know what was next, she was pretty funny about it. She was very excited about her new boots and mentioned them a few times. And she was really cute in person too.

    Anna and GarySo afterwards (after Rob Thomas) she was at the souvenir stand doing autographs. Got over there pretty quick so there were only a few people in line before me. As she was signing my CD (I bought another one) she happened to look back and saw how many people were in line now and there were hundreds, she really seemed surprised there were that many, I’m not sure what happens when she plays in a larger venue. She seemed pretty normal with the stuff she talked about and they way she acting about things, that was really nice…

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