Category Archives: me + myself + i

Stuff about me, myself and I. If this isn’t enough you can find out more ’stuff’ in the meme category! If it’s in the me category, I generally do not put it in the meme category (except for when I do).

My New Tempurpedic Bed

tempurpedicSo I finally got a new bed. I got one of those squishy Tempurpedic mattresses. It’s also larger, I went from a full to a queen size. I don’t really have a good opinion yet, but I don’t have any complaints yet. Actually I have a minor one, I had to put different rails on my bed frame and besides the fact that they aren’t the right color (I bought them four years ago) they are lower so now I can’t get the under the bed boxes out from under the bed (but that isn’t a Tempurpedic Mattress issue).

In the morning I felt like I didn’t feel like I tossed and turned, I’ll see more after a few more days….

UPDATE: This post has a huge amount of comments (400+) so feel free to read through them for more info. They definitely start with negative comments but I think it evens out as you read on. People talk about their sheets sliding (I have no problems) and other temperpedic models (like the rhapsody).

I’ve also added various comments through the years.

I do not know what model I have, I’m not sure if there were more than one or two available at the time. Anyone know how to check?

2010 update: I’ve checked and it appears there was only one model available at the time of MY purchase, they say that it is now designated the Classic (now there are 11 versions). I purchased the mattress and the foundation directly from Tempurpedic over five years ago and I’m still very happy with it.

Six Years

I was just writing something, it said, “I’ve been back in the Detroit area (Dearborn) for around six years now.” and then I realized it was exactly six years today that I started working back this side of Michigan (I had been in the Lansing area for eleven years). I can’t believe it’s been that long. A few homes, a few relationships (broken hearts) and a few jobs later I’m still around here.

My (only) complaint(s) – still single and childless. (I thought that was going to turn into a long list of complaints, but I guess that’s all I’m really missing.) That doesn’t sound too bad but I don’t think was much longer than that when I got here six years ago…

E-mail Broke Better

Something has had been up with my e-mail the last few (Friday, Aug 6th-Tuesday, Aug 10th) days. If you sent anything important the last few days (or even not important) please resend it if you haven’t gotten a response (or at least don’t complain).

Technical support makes me crazy sometimes… If they read the problem the first time it’d really help solve the issue. I list the ten things I know they’ll ask, I bold the bizzaro answers that should point them in the right direction and I feel like they turn around and ask me to try the ten things I already told them the results.

More than Half-Human

Today’s the first day I’ve felt way more than Half-Human since I’ve been back from vacation. Hopefully I can get a few things done this weekend: mail some CDs (sorry, BurnIt folks, they’re done I just need to print everything out), post my last few London photos, make my donation to to blog-a-thon, e-mail some people, play some BurnIt CDs (just got a bunch so at least I know everyone else was behind too), propane for the grill (I just threw out steaks that have been sitting in the fridge for the last week), go to the bank and I’m sure a few other things. As I’m writing this I can see I’m still a little fuzzy in the brain, I’ve just corrected a lot of synonyms (I do that when I’m not feeling well and/or on medications) in this post.

Continue reading


So I’ve been fighting some kind of cold/infection since I got back. So I still don’t have all the pictures and info up nor some other projects I need to get done. I’m feeling better from the cold but the decongestants and such are still inspiring typos (easily correctable) and grammer issues.

Waffle Toffee Crunch Sundae

Went back to Garfunkle’s for another Waffle Toffee Crunch Sundae — london04-707warm Belgian waffle topped with vanilla ice cream, maple syrup and laced with toffee crunch pieces. It was our third visit so far. They’re great!

While we were at Garfunkle’s we met a group of Girl Scouts from all over the US, there were ten from as many different states, most hadn’t met before a few days ago. None from Michigan… (Update, a friend just told me he knew a Michigan girl scout heading over for the same thing, but not the group we say). They were heading up to some Jamboree in Scotland. They were pretty entertaining explaining the whole thing and telling us about their day and getting the deluxe visit they got at the at the changing of the guard.

20 Questions to a Better Personality

You know I rarely do these, let alone post them (I usually only post the ones that have a question and answer, not a result). I found this quiz from Lisa at Glimpse of a Grrl who said it was ‘dead on’ for her.

You are an SECF–Sober Emotional Constructive Follower. This makes you a hippie. You are passionate about your causes and steadfast in your commitments. Once you’ve made up your mind, no one can convince you otherwise. Your politics are left-leaning, and your lifestyle choices decidedly temperate and chaste.

You do tremendous work when focused, but usually you operate somewhat distracted. You blow hot and cold, and while you normally endeavor on the side of goodness and truth, you have a massive mean streak which is not to be taken lightly. You don’t get mad, you get even.

I’d say the last sentence and a half is inaccurate. I’m not mean, but sometimes people who don’t know me might think my sarcasm is mean. And if you know me… you know I don’t get mad (or even).

I was semi-borderline for the C and the F so I looked at the key to see what happened if I filler them arround. and the three other choices were even less me (politician, dictator or evil genius) and while I may do good at either of them I have no such high-moral aspirations.

Karma? dis-Synchronicity?

  • So on Saturday I was thinking about one friend and I hadn’t gotten in touch for a while and that I had been (extra) remiss in keeping in touch. That night I get an e-mail from his wife (with a techie question), what are the odds?
  • Same day I was thinking about a friend who I hadn’t heard from in a while. Health problems for her and her husband, I’ve called every so often and gotten different answering machine messages so I assumed the messages were getting through. Sunday morning I noticed on my caller ID a call from their number. I didn’t really want to play it since I was pretty sure it wasn’t good news. But what are the odds of a phone call from them? And the last time she called late at night in crisis mode was the same night my step-father took a turn for the worse before he passed away. Just odd coincidences. (Finally caved and played the message, not good news, but not horrible either. But her comments about not calling back were very similar to my thoughts about not keeping in touch with the other friend.)
  • Saturday night on the way home (a very nice ride by the way) I drove by a nice park, I’m sure I’ve driven that way at least once (maybe twice before) but somehow not noticed it (but it’s huge). Saw a nice church made a notation of the times but didn’t get up in time. Was thinking about the other stuff during the day on Sunday went over to the park to relax and decided to go to church instead. The only one I’ve every gone to around here. The one with the super-friendly Father with the accent so strong you aren’t surprised when you find out her does sermons at another parish completely in Polish. I come out afterwards get inside and the radio is playing (odd) and they I realize the steering column is broken from when they tried to steal it while I was inside. A very odd anti-coincidence. Maybe more of an odd series of circumstances that let to me getting some negative feedback for going to church instead of rollerblading. :)

    Just odd how things happen. I know there is a reason they call them coincidences but it’s just odd.