Category Archives: me + myself + i

Stuff about me, myself and I. If this isn’t enough you can find out more ’stuff’ in the meme category! If it’s in the me category, I generally do not put it in the meme category (except for when I do).

Tally Up

So after a year it looks like my most popular posts (based on comments) are ones discussing Tempurpedic Mattresses and Charlie Sheen’s Shirts. I’ve gotten a few on some of my semi-political posts which I try to post so neutral people generally think my opinion is the opposite of what it actually is.

These are also a few of the things people most often get here from search engines. Other searches often found are Senior Quotes, a long quote from Garden State, duck tape prom dresses, boogers immune system and a few others.

In case you weren’t sure all these items are on the site, just check the search engine. Occasionally I get some weird ones like “guess book of individual cat sale in las vegas” which just all those words were somewhere on one archive page, I just can’t believe I rank second on a google search like that…

It’s been a year, what’s changed (technologically and me)?

So it’s been a year since I started this blog. I’ve typed hundreds of entries (I don’t think I made the 500 mark yet). I’ve changed many parts of it:

  • the title several times (Something Nice Happened Today [dropped the nice for a while], If I blog in a Forest and No One Reads It, Do I Make Any Noise [a few variations of that, but it was to darn long, but it was kinda my favorite] and Let Me Make My Point(e) [with the E emphasizing my my name] and it was temporarily Do you See My Point(e)?)
  • Changed the background a few times and had a few psychedelic rotating ones, it’s still a little busy but I work really hard to make it compatible in all browsers (and all screen resolutions) and if not there’s a nice PDA version you can use.
  • My blog ReadRoll has grown and I’ve redone that a few different ways.
  • Added and changed some categories but it’s still pretty close to the original.
  • Added the whole about section with lists stuff about me and what tools/plug-ins I use.
  • Redone the internals quite a bit, switched to PHP and a few other things.
  • Added some advertising to the sides and some ads here and there and maybe that’ll pay off someday…
  • I’m passing over 5 GB of data a month. And I’m still not sure where it’s going, I’ve disabled my photo albums so it’s mostly just my content. I’ve even reduced the number of entries on my main page and it’s still growing so at least I’ve got readers (and occasionally some commenters). Some people get really bent when they don’t get comments, I’m okay without them, but it sure makes me happy when I get them…

    I’ve tried to stay away from whining and complaining too much, but sometimes cars get broken into and sometimes people die and sometimes BK screws up my order so I need to vent a little. I’m about in the same place in life as a I was last year: single, childless and still looking to make those changes. (As much as people complain about it I’d rather be spending time this month assembling bicycles or cribs or whatever.)

    Even though I created The Daily Meme I’ve become less of a meme-a-holic which I’ve been missing so I think I’ll go back to those silly quizzes as a way to express things about myself…

  • 0.5k and almost 365 days

    So I’ve almost been posting for a year AND I’m almost to 500 posts. If I average my average number of posts per day I’ll probably hit both at the same time.

    I kinda jump from one end of the spectrum to the other (funerals to sappy TV shows to technology), I keep thinking that I’ll break out the tech into it’s own blog, but I can’t decide it that’s necessary. I’ve got an idea for a tech specific blog, and if I do that, then I’d have two tech blogs (extra geeky and semi-geeky) so I think I’ll keep them together for now and if I go the other route I’ll just keep the long tech reviews to the extra geeky blog.

    Family Funerals

    So my grandfather passed away last week, just days after I commented on not seeing him and my grandmother enough. We’ll work out the guilt on that later (and we will). I’ve never done a funeral before with that side (my father’s) of the family. I had volunteered to do a reading at the church, I’m glad I did especially since no one else had volunteered to do any readings I got to do all three reading…

    So it was pretty much the same as most funerals but a little more boring. Same church as usual, same place for food after (as usual), but less fun, I know it’s a funeral but I usually feel a little more like it’s a celebration. Nothing super different, just a few more jokes and stories and such afterwards (or even during). I was really ready for a drink by the time we got the restaurant, but they did the no smoking no drinking option; I’m not really sure why I’m mentioning the drink part but it’s days later and it’s stuck in my head so it’s out on this virtual “piece of paper”.

    My cousin’s 11 month-old there and I got to play with her (once she warmed up to me) so that was great, she loved playing with the christmas ornaments on the wall and looking in the mirror. And I got to see all sorts of people that I hadn’t seen in a while and that was nice, I just wish we could do it more often than funerals and other obligatory days.

    25 Weirdest Items at Amazon.Com

    Someone keeps a Listmainia list at on the 25 Weirdest Items (LINK BROKEN) you can buy! I own the number 1 item! And one of the other items is also on my Wish List.

    Hospitals and Holidays…

    So since I’ve moved back to the Detroit area I don’t don’t see some of my family as much. Here’s why: I’m now about 30-35 minutes away from most of them compared to 90 minutes. That might not make sense since I’m closer to them, but when I was 90 minutes away (East Lansing area) I came and spent the day or maybe the day and part of the next day and while I was there I’d visit others, heck if it was nice I’d rollerblade or bicycle around town and visit others. Now I’ll just head in, have dinner (or do whatever the mission is) and head home; voila 3 hours later and I’m home and visited for 2 hours where before that was just the the travel time.

    Continue reading

    Happy Thanksgiving

    I hope everyone has time today to think about the things we are all thankful for. Of course I’m thankful for my family, friends, health and all that stuff but there are so many extras that we take for granted.

    I’m thinking if you’re reading this over the holiday weekend there are some assumptions I can make about readers (bloogees?) and what they we may take for granted: a computer, Internet access (high speed?) and the skills to do all this. Assuming you have all that, it probably means you’ve got food, shelter, heat and necessities that others may not have.

    This (Internet stuff) is what some of us do for fun and if you’re like me you go into withdrawal if you don’t have access for a while, but it’s really a privilege and most of us don’t think of it that way any more. These days it seems like some of these things are necessities of life but we need to remember and be thankful for them…

    That’s it, I’m done with my sermon. Just be thankful for everything and don’t take too much for granted. Have a Happy Holiday and drive careful.

    Is it Christmas yet?!?

    It was a relatively normal weekend but that stores/malls were packed. It’s not even Thanksgiving yet! And on the other had since I was there, and the sales were good I did by more than a few presents while I was out. Wasn’t my plan, but it’s nice to be ahead of the game!

    What else did I do this weekend…? Oh I had a five (5) hour meeting at work on Saturday, that’s where the day went.

    Otherwise I shopped, relaxed and slept. Right now I’m at the burger joint that has WiFi but it’s broken today :(

    In a minute second I’m outta here and off to see the Bourne Supremacy.

    Rats – I just realized I still need groceries too…