Category Archives: me + myself + i

Stuff about me, myself and I. If this isn’t enough you can find out more ’stuff’ in the meme category! If it’s in the me category, I generally do not put it in the meme category (except for when I do).

I got mentioned in Today’s Podcast!

So not only is one of my favorite podcast’s back in business (he’s been busy for the past 5 weeks) but I got a mention for suggesting today’s word, “Voilà!”, be sure to listen to the the audio (it’s only 74 seconds). Scott does Today’s Podcast which is generally “A brief daily podcast of words and quotes”. He’s always looking for words to do and even has a phone number where you can leave comments or messages. Be sure to check it out…

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Gift – Question of the Day

Someone has decided to give you a gift out of the blue. With no limitations on cost, or accessibility, what gift would you appreciate the most and why?
I’d want a baby. I’ve always wanted kids and it’s been on my mind lately. Also, I just had a discussion about adoption today so it’s a timely question… A wife who wants kids might make more sense but that’s probably harder for someone to shop for. I’ve got a lot more criteria for a wife, my only requirement for a baby is that it’s healthy, although if they can build/program to order I can probably come up with the specs for a wife.

This wasn’t what I planned to say when I started this answer but it did say “no limitations”. Other items that crossed my mind were time (but since you can’t put that in a bottle I might just need ca$h so I didn’t have to work which would result in time) or a trip across the solar system (ours or some other, I’m not too picky).

From Question of the Day.

97 Degrees!

weather reportIt got to be a hot one today. They said 97 today and I don’t think they were exaggerating! I’ve bounced all around today. Heather’s house was my base and I bounced between there and the paths by the water at Northwestern U and downtown Evanston each a few times. And I drank about 10 gallons of water, coca-cola and Gatorade. I also took a bunch of photos which I’ll add later once I get back to a WiFi zone (I’ll post a few and add a bunch to my flickr feed). It’s still pretty hot out even with the sun down (even with a breeze).

Things that make me happy :)

We’re talking about easily accessible things here (in no particular order), like:

  • Riding the train.
  • Evanston, IL.
  • Rollerblading.

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  • Egypt

    So Eqypt has been on my list of places to go. I’ve always wanted to see the pyramids.

    So I think I might have to make this happen. This one though I think I might have to do a tour with a group or something since I have no clue about anything in regards to this. I’m not even sure what else to see while I’m there besides the pyramids.

    So I’m looking for recommendations for a tour or something along those lines that you might have taken that you’d recommend (or oness to avoid). I’d also take some suggestions on some places in particular to go to (or avoid).

    I’ve never considered a tattoo before this…

    Writer Shelley Jackson invites participants in a new work entitled “Skin.” Each participant must agree to have one word of the story tattooed upon his or her body. The text will be published nowhere else, and the author will not permit it to be summarized, quoted, described, set to music, or adapted for film, theater, television or any other medium.

    More information can be found at the skin project site. It’s a really interesting background to the project (it’s only one page) so check it out. One big rule, if your word is a body part, you’re not allowed to get it on that body part. Makes me wonder about the story itself….

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    Saturday Six – 61

    6. You are given the gift of an original oil painting by any famous artist.  What painting would you choose and why?
    Easy. The Kiss by Gustav Klimt
    5. Last week, the Reader’s Choice question asked you to identify your favorite movie line.  Later this month, the American Film Institute will list the 100 Greatest Movie Lines of all time.  Which one do you expect to win?
    “Frankly Scarlett, I don’t give a damn”
    4. You have the ability to snap your fingers and be instantly transported to one of three places whenever you wish to go there.  Which three places would you select as your destinations?
    Costa Rica (probably Jaco, since I like the ocean there), London, England (I always enjoy England) and Berkley, Michigan (most of my extended family lives there) and work (I hate wasting time driving to and from work). Yes I picked four. I’m assuming you can teleport back to your starting point which would be home. If I had this power I’d probably move to one of the locations (probably Costa Rica) and make that home so I’d only need the three other destinations.

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    Gary’s Guide to On-Line Dating

    When placing a personal ad on-line be sure to list the following things to get the most responses.

    • Make sure your photos include pictures of all your pets (either alone or with you).
    • Speling and grammer aint very imprtant.
    • If you could “meet anyone / have lunch with” be sure to list Brad Pitt and/or Tom Cruise (because we can all meet those expectations).
    • Be sure to not use any punctuation.
    • Be sure to have at least one picture with your ex cut/photoshopped out of the image.
    • Use ALL CAPS when possible.
    • Be sure to mention your ex at least four or five times.
    • Don’t smile in any of your photos.
    • List as much of your baggage as possible in your profile (oh, wait! That’s what blogs are for!).

    The scary thing is, most of the above comments are from the profiles that I liked…

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