Category Archives: me + myself + i

Stuff about me, myself and I. If this isn’t enough you can find out more ’stuff’ in the meme category! If it’s in the me category, I generally do not put it in the meme category (except for when I do).

10, 5, 1, 1/356th years ago

10 years ago – I lived in Haslett (east of East Lansing), I still worked at the Department of Education for the State of Michigan. I really miss both, I loved the job (I left because my boss left and I went to work for him at another job) and I really miss the Lansing area. I definitely miss the (lack of) traffic and (lack of) construction that we have in the Detroit area. I miss my little apartment too, I was right next door to a 24 hour Quality Dairy (w/laundramat) so I could get ice cream, donuts, milk, do laundry, get lottery tickets and use an ATM any time of the day or night. And I was right by Lake Lansing, I could put in all my laundry (not just one load) and go sit at the park by they lake or rollerblade around the lake… Did I say I missed living there?!?
5 years ago – I’m thinking I was sick. I only remember because it was the year I bought my condo (in October) and I remember being so very sick that September with (I don’t even remember exactly) some kind of lung infection. I had moved back to the Detroit area the year before and I don’t remember much else.

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It’s sad, but I was excited last night to only pay $2.99 for a gallon of gasoline.

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3x Thursday

1. Did you ever think you’d actually ‘grow up, get married, have a family, etc’? Did you? If not, why not?
Yes, definitely. I actually thought I’d be married by 27, no idea when the kids would come along. I have no idea how I ever came up with that number but somehow I did (it seems to me I was at the public library at the time). Still single and no kids (although I’m exploring adopting again).
2. What did you want to be when you grew up? What are you now? Do they match?
I’ve been doing computer “stuff” and training since I was 15 so it’s not big surprise where I ended up. At other various times during middle school I thought it would either be a chef or a photographer. I wish I had gone to the VoTech classes for the chef stuff instead of the computers (the tech was pretty out of date for the time).
3. Did you really think it’d be *this* hard?
It’s generally not so hard, unless I can qualify the boring times as hard…

Fortunate Friday – Friday Fun

1. What are you most fortunate for, right now at this stage in your life?
I guess my health and my job. Both have been very good to me lately. :)

2. What do you wish you were fortunate enough to have? Is it attainable?
A wife and a child or two (that’s two kids, not wives). Attainable: The latter definitely (at least with adoption). The wife I just need to find the right one and have her think the same thing (still working on that).

3. Name one thing about each person in your immediate family that makes you feel fortunate to have them in your life.
My Mom is really my only definable immediate family, I don’t really see my father. She’s always been there when I need her! She’s pretty low maintenance too (although I don’t think that’s what was meant by fortunate).

From Friday Fun.

Shirt Shrunk

So last night I was wearing one of the new shirts I bought on Friday and it just seemed so small (and it seemed more than ample enough when I tried it on). How could it have shrunk that much?!? Today when I was picking up around the house I saw the tag sitting on the counter, it’s says ‘small’! The one I tried on (and the other one I bought) was a ‘large’. I feel much better now, especially since it turns out that only one of them doesn’t fit and since I didn’t actually shrink it, I can probably exchange it! :)

The road to East Lansing

Had a great day yesterday. Stopped at the Howell Outlet Mall, got the exact shoes I was looking for and some stuff I wasn’t looking for: shirts, sunglasses and some bowls. Weather was great until we got to EL then it was drizzly on and off :(

Got chinese (I love Charlie Kangs!) and ice cream and long islands and saw some friends we hadn’t seen in a while. Found an Egypt book on the discount rack at Barnes and Noble so I’ll be looking that over. Never did get those chicken wings I wanted though…

Ice Cream, Wings and LIIT

I’m off to East Lansing to get Chinese Food, Ice Cream, see the beautiful campus, get happy hour (Wings, Nachos, Long Island Iced Teas) and more Ice Cream. If you’re around we’ll be in P.T. O’Malleys at 4:30 for Happy Hour (Grand River and Abott) feel free to come by and I’ll buy you a drink (or two).

Shuttle debris not unusual…

So I didn’t hear any news about there being some small debris falling off at the launch yesterday.

NASA said it would know by Sunday whether debris that fell off the space shuttle Discovery’s external fuel tank during this week’s launch damaged the spacecraft as it blasted into orbit. – CNN

They make it sound like it’s not a big deal. And if this wasn’t the first flight in a long while I probably wouldn’t think twice. But I’d really like the flight to go 100% perfect so the program can get moving again.

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