Category Archives: me + myself + i

Stuff about me, myself and I. If this isn’t enough you can find out more ’stuff’ in the meme category! If it’s in the me category, I generally do not put it in the meme category (except for when I do).

I’m Famous…

So I was in the newspaper today (image of article) and they ran a photo too so that made it a even more fun. At least I assume the photo was in the printed edition. It’s the local paper by where I work so I’ll have to check it out next week, but I remembered to check on-line and there it was “Expert shares advice on technology deals”.

Here’s the story, people always ask me what tech stuff to buy and how to get good deal on it. So a few jobs ago I started doing sessions for people who were interested and I’d get stuff together and they’d come with questions and I’d tell them what they “needed”. This job I started opening it up to the public for parents (I work for a school district) and residents and I do it near Thanksgiving so I can give them tips on all the Thanksgiving sales that’ll start on Friday. Then they can figure out if it’s worth getting up early for if it’s one of those killer deals. This year one of the paper’s reporters came and voila I’m in the local paper (she had mentioned the dates in the paper too).

This is one of the best bits of blogging

WorldstatmapThis is one of the best parts about blogging. People from all of these places came to read my blog today. Yes, I said came to read my blog, sure they read a bunch of others out there but they also came to mine. :)

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So I’m about 40 posts away from 1,000 posts and I’m also about 24 days away from two years of blogging. No real reason that they should meet but it’ll be pretty close. I’m better off if they don’t meet then I can post twice about the different-versaries. But I should probably reflect a little at both of those times and then it’ll be the new year and time to reflect a little again.

I really haven’t accomplished much in the past year, so I’m feeling a little guilty about that, especially as I’ve been hearing so much lately about “how do you measure, measure a year..?


So a few little things:

  • I got up extra early yesterday, so I napped (bad idea), and now I’m awake!!! But at least I don’t have to be anywhere until 11 in the morning.
  • I’m really liking SpamArrest as my new challenge response mail filter.
  • MegaMillions is up to $315 million! I bought a few chances at that. (Hmm… I wonder if the results are up yet??)
  • NBC said they have more information on getting glasses for Medium-3D episode and I don’t think there is any more info at all.
  • I’m off to bed now!
  • What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

    Your Birthdate: September 11

  • Spiritual and thoughtful, you tend to take a step back from the world.
  • You’re very sensitive to what’s going on around you, yet you remain calm.
  • Although you are brilliant, it may take you a while to find your niche.
  • Your creativity is supreme, but it sometimes makes it hard for you to get things done.
  • Your strength: Your inner peace
  • Your weakness: You get stuck in the clouds
  • Your power color: Emerald
  • Your power symbol: Leaf
  • Your power month: November
    What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

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  • Sick. Yuck!

    So I’ve been sick the last few days. Some kind of bronchial bronchitis (or something other -itis thing), the doctor gave me drugs in case it’s viral it’s not viral. Congested, stuffy, fuzzy brain (when a piece of silverware hits a glass it just sounds so loud. I’ve been way bored. Caught way up on television. Men's Health for Dummies Charles B. Inlander, People's Medical Society (U. S.)Obviously I haven’t been doing too much on the blog (or the ‘net in general). I’ve got a half dozen posts from weeks ago (heck, I’ve got posts from six months ago I haven’t finished) so it’s not for lack of topics, just sitting in front of the computer has had no interest for me (so you know I’m sick); my grandma and mother used to offer me home baked chocolate chip cookies to see how sick I really was.

    Today it’s the ears and throat (these are much worse, but the conjestion/breathing seems better), if it’s worse tomorrow I might run up somewhere to see what else they can give me. The annoying thing was is I’ve been taking extra care of myself the week before this. Less soda and junk food. More vitamins, other health stuff and more sleep. So it’s kinda annoying.


    I knew I had a really long day today: a 2-3 hour meeting, 7 short presentations with travel time in between most of them this was about 12 hours and then I’m on call for the shelter that I volunteer at for another 12 hours (until 8 am). I’ve been having problems sleeping lately, so I went to bed early and took a sleeping pill to ensure some sleep, Ambien is my preference (not much side effect). Now obviously a sleeping pill is going to make you out of it a little, but these don’t do that much or at least if they do, they make you forget. Yeah, that’s the side effect, very short term memory loss. I usually have to read the last few pages of the book I was reading again or something like that. It’s not totally gone, it’s kind of a deja vu when I reread the chapter or think really hard about the events. I’m generally in bed when I take something like this, it’s not like I do it before watching TV or taking a road trip (and I try not to blog or e-mail either). Not a crisis and sometimes interesting results. That was the into, here is the story…

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    Lost in translation

    So I was playing with the language translators on-line. I was trying to do a full conversion of my page to french and then back again so you could view the whole thing, but I had technical difficulties. So here’s the original paragraph and next to it that same paragraph converted to french and back to english. The third column is that translation from to spanish and back again.

    English So I slept great last night. Lately, a good night’s sleep has been five or six hours, I haven’t even been able to sleep on my days off lately. I’m thinking I got around eleven hours sleep so I’m feeling pretty good today. I actually woke up in a panic around seven that the alarm didn’t go off and I was late for work. But once I realized that wasn’t the case I was able to get back to sleep for another five hours!!! :) English to French to English Thus I slept the great last night. Recently, a sleep of the good night was five or six hours, I could not even sleep my days with far recently. I think that I had around eleven hours sleep thus I smell very good today. I really awoke in a panic around seven that alarm did not go to far and I was late for work. But once that I realized who was not the case I could to obtain again with the sleep during five more hours!!! :) English to Spanish to English I slept yesterday so great at night. Lately, a dream of the good night has been five or six hours, I have not even been able to sleep lately in my days dull. I am thinking that I obtained eleven hours around I sleep so be feeling quite good today. I really woke up in a panic around seven that was not extinguished alarming and was slow for the work. ¡But once he made that it was not the case I could obtain of new to the dream by other five hours!!! :)

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