Category Archives: me + myself + i

Stuff about me, myself and I. If this isn’t enough you can find out more ’stuff’ in the meme category! If it’s in the me category, I generally do not put it in the meme category (except for when I do).


So I came home and took a nap after all my errands (I feel great now). Since then I’ve watched a bit of TV and now I’m thinking of funerals. This wasn’t weird dreams, it was what was on the TV show (didn’t you hear, someone was going to die on Smallville).

I still remember being freaked out at my first funeral. Here’s why:
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I’ve been barely posting lately

So I noticed I haven’t been blogging (or even reading other blogs) much lately. I’ve been busy and working a little later and I’ve been cleaning around my house. Lots of garbage this week again and lots of organization. If I can get the Christmas tree down this weekend I’ll have even more room from that (and the holiday boxes that are pulled out of storage), I’ll miss the lights though…

So I noticed that this will probably be the fifth lowest month of posts I’ve done (these numbers show up in the left sidebar of the main page next to the months). What’s really odd is three of those five are January (the other two are in the first few months of blogging). So why don’t I get more blogging done in January? I should go back and read some posts and see what I was up to…

Very Productive Day (and Free Stuff)

I got so much stuff done yesterday. Shopped for a new desk (which I never found). Ran countless errands on a beautiful day. Cleaned. Reorganized. Managed to get the last two done with out making the house a disaster. Got gas at a reasonable price. Ate delicious leftovers (my takeout Thai for the day before and some delicious BBQ chicken casadias from the day before.

I’ve been on a cleaning/organizing spree lately. Got rid of a broken desk (it was supported by a file cabinet), moved a bookcase to where that was. Most of my books that are out are actually in bookcases (not in a stack somewhere). Set up a table for the computer I want to move upstairs (this is where I wanted a new desk for). I always want things more organized but I always keep so much crap. Crap is old bills, bank statements, article clippings, computer parts, magazines, software, books, monitors, TVs, electronics, etc. I’ve thrown out more the last few weeks (and most of it clearly trash).

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I Love Comments!

I love getting comments and feedback. They are great to receive at any time. Especially nice is when I’ve made a crabby post complaining about life (or something in particular) and people post nice posts hoping it “gets better”, “feels better” or something sweet along those lines. Thank you!!

I’m better now…

Okay. So today is a better day so far! Got my Comcast cable fixed, super nice guy, said they must have disconnected me when hooking someone else up (at 3:33) so he tagged my cable so they’d (hopefully) leave it alone and he checked the signal strength for me to make sure it was a-okay. I’m well rested, which I really really needed. And not that I’d use computers for something that I shouldn’t (like Stargate or Galactica) let’s just say that today BitTorrent is my friend. It’s been sunny out so I’m off to run some errands while it’s nice out.

This is the most common reason that I know most of my friends have had to call in a repair request.

333 – I’m halfway there

So it’s been a relatively bad week. I’m still sick (two weeks now) and they can’t figure out what’s up. I haven’t been sleeping well (got about 3-4 hours last night). I’ve had numerous overlapping appointments and meetings that made the week pretty goofy. I got a phone call from a buddy in the emergency room who wrapped his car around a pole (literally). Spent lots of time in the hospital and checking on things. I’ve been driving around with tin cans in my car since Monday and haven’t had time to take them back.

All I wanted to do after work was get some Thai food, go home, watch some TV and crash. So I get home and realize the cable is out and so is the Internet. (It’s SciFi Friday! How am I supposed to watch Galactica?!?)

So why did I decide I’m halfway to hell? The cable went out at 3:33…

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Where’s My Sunshine!?!

They promised me lots of sunshine today. I saw it peeking through the blinds while I was trying to sleep but in the few hours I’ve been up I’ve only seen about five minutes worth!

It’s just not acceptable :(

Bored, Bored, Bored…

So I haven’t felt great this past week. Been sick / fighting being sick (mostly losing). The up side is I’ve been able to think, generally when I’m sick I’m all fuzzy and can’t concentrate and feel blah. With this, it’s the same but less, I’m a little fuzzy but not so much so that I sit on the couch and do the potato thing all day.

Today it was sunny so I ran (drove) up to the library to return a book and went to the cafe for some soup and some WiFi access. It’s the cafe with the goldfish on the table. So I ended up with chili and a Sprite. I’ll post this then head on home and pick up some Thai on the way home…

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