Category Archives: me + myself + i

Stuff about me, myself and I. If this isn’t enough you can find out more ’stuff’ in the meme category! If it’s in the me category, I generally do not put it in the meme category (except for when I do).

Product Placement Dreaming

So I was going to finish up the followup to the Alex Rider post before I hopped in the sack but then I remembered I didn’t mention my dreams!

So I’ve had odd dreams lately (the last two days) with lots of advertising. This is odd for several reasons, I generally don’t remember my dreams and when I remember them as well as I did this morning they’re usually normal, as in I’m not sure if the stuff really happened or not.

So back to the advertising dream: I think I was in Cingular (which I actually needed to go to today) and there were people there in Dominoes’ uniforms trying to sell me a Dell. They made a phone call to their friends who were at Taco Bell and wanted to meet up with me and we were going to go eat and get eggs or omelets or something like that. Oh and I think the friend’s played on a baseball team, which I would assume is the Tigers since Dominoes’ owned them at one time.

I hate shoe shopping…

SuttonbrownI’m definitely lacking nice brown shoes and I own several pairs of these shoes (see image) in black but needed to order the ones in the color brown. I knew I’d like them (this has been my standard black shoe for years) and I’ve been meaning to do this for ages so I added it to my 101 in 1001 list. So the guy at the Hush Puppies store said he could order them for me cheaper than I could buy on-line (which was true). I just wasn’t sure exactly what my size was so I wanted to check my black ones at home.

So I found the size and called them back and when they got on-line to order them it turns out they didn’t have the brown ones any more. So I checked all the on-line stores and the few places that did have them didn’t have my size (and they were all more expensive than he could have got them for me)…

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101 Things in 1001 days

So far I’ve completed:

  • 03/15/06: Frame all of my college degrees.
  • 03/11/06: Get a new desk for the landing.
  • 03/11/06: Do my taxes for last year.
  • 03/08/06: Post this list on-line.
  • 03/06/06: Figure out a plan for my mortgage.
  • 03/03/06: Get a new carbon monoxide detector.
  • 02/17/06: Do my taxes for the year before last.
  • 01/15/06: Get a new desk chair.
  • 12/08/05: See Anna Nalick in concert.
  • Way back in September 2005 I said I liked the idea of this 101 things in 1001 days.

    As it says on the 101 in 1001 site:

    The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

    So I’ve built a list and I’m crossing them off. I broke them down by categories: Blog, Entertainment, Family, Health, Home, Me, Money, Other, Technology and Vacation (the last category may be overloaded). Of course the list is at and I’ve got it all geeked out (but the template needs work).

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    They Promised Me Rain…

    I had my day planned and I had to rearrange the whole day. So instead of cleaning, running errands and other boring stuff I had to do something else.

    This means I got to go rollerblading and drive around in the car with the top down!!! It was 60+ most of the day so I’m really enjoying this (I didn’t say I was complaining, just that it was promised). It’ll probably rain later (or sooner) since they’re still forecasting it (tomorrow too) but maybe they’ll be wrong again and it’ll get up to 70!!!

    Conspiracy or coincidence?!?

    Every time I’m in Grand Rapids it’s always such a struggle to find Coca-cola. This does not make me very happy, especially when I’m dying for a coke…


    1. Do you have a problem admitting you’re wrong?
    Sometimes. But I usually keep my mouth shut if I’m not sure so I usually avoid it. (So I guess that’s a yes).
    2. Would you rather watch someone important to you walk out of your life or beg them to stay?
    I’d beg. That’s better than regretting it. And if they’re leaving what’s to lose?
    3. Are you the kind of person who would rather try your best and fail, or not try for fear of failure?
    No fear of failure in most things. I’ll generally try!
    4. Have you ever expressed interest in someone high above your status, where your chances of being rejected were very high?
    I can’t think of anything but I’m sure I have. I’m not a stranger to rejection.
    5. If you made a contribution to a charity would you want credit, or would giving be enough?
    Giving is enough but if I can get credit too…

    From Monday’s a Bitch.

    How you sleep…

    Question of the Week – 2006/02/20. More about how you sleep!

    Are you a “sheet next to the skin” person or a “blanket next to the skin” person?
    Do you like a heavy comforter, or just a light blanket?
    Heavy comforter (I like it cold).
    Ceiling fan or no fan?
    I’d like a ceiling fan but I don’t have one. I usually run some kind of fan for the noise.
    Windows open?
    No. Sometimes on vacation when it’s someplace nice…
    Nightlight or complete darkness?
    Complete darkness, like a cave.
    How many hours a night do you sleep (or would you sleep, if given the chance)?
    I’d like about seven-and-a-half, it’s rare that I get it.

    From QOTW.

    $365 million dollars…

    I can’t even imagine winning this much money. 15, 17, 43, 44 and 48, with a Powerball number of 29,It’s the biggest pay-out ever, $363 million was the highest before but that was two winning tickets. According to ‘the cash option is $177.8 million, or $124.46 million after taxes. On the installment plan, over 30 years, the first payment would be $6,507,986 after taxes.’

    As long as you you don’t blow it, it seems like you’d be better off taking the $124 million and earn the interest over the 30 years. Not even factoring in the compounding if you could get 5% a year return on $100 million you’d get $6 million a year, that’s pretty much the payment you’d be waiting for (if you did a little better on the interest it’d be a lot more). Over 30 years that’s $150 million more. Even if you didn’t get that interest rate you’d still get significantly more even at 3%.

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