Category Archives: general

Just regular kinds of stuff that happened (that doesn’t fit in other categories).

Wow! $2.39 A Gallon

Wow! $2.39 A Gallon

Originally uploaded by garylapointe.

This was awesome! I got this deal on gasoline while taking mom out to dinner today. Twelve Mile road and Coolidge in Berkley (Michigaan).

Cancer at Ground Zero

So there is a show on television right now exploring connections between people who were at Ground Zero during the disaster and are now showing signs of cancer. Why do terrible things just have to get more terrible…?

It’s years later it’s time for things to get better. So speaking of years later, I have a questions (don’t peek ahead) for you to think about. What year did the towers fall on September 11th?

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My BK has WiFi Again!!

For a while my local Burger King had WiFi. Then it only worked if I tweaked with the TCP/IP settings. Then it was intermittent. Eventually it died and I had to use the wired port (or my Airport Express adaptor) and that pretty much died. I can honestly say I’ve eaten here less since then. I mean if I gotta be WiFi-less or mess with my phone as a modem I can go anywhere, right?

Today I popped in for a quick snack. Wasn’t 100% sure if I was going to hook up the modem but I knew I wanted to type a few things. I opened my laptop and got the wonderful message “Do you want to join the network ‘Burger King’?”. I love WiFi….

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$2.58 a Gallon!

That’s pretty good price for gasoline isn’t it? I didn’t need much gas (maybe 1/4 tank) but I couldn’t pass it up!!!

A Day Off!

I’ve been so so so busy with the start of school this year (our students started the 23rd!) which is normally busy, but we put in 1,000 new computers this summer and a few new labs and all sorts of stuff. So I’ve got tomorrow off. It’ll be my first day off that I get to sleep in and not have to rush about in weeks (the day I was sick last week doesn’t count).

Sleep, shop, eat and catch up on reading some blogs (I’m way behind). Maybe some basic things like bills and stuff like that. Maybe a matinee? (I’m not sure what’s out that I want to see)

Lots of water (and goofy marketing)

So as we all know, metric is going to take the word by storm one of these days). HA!

The funny thing is I always thought of it as something that came over here from overseas, but the amount of signage in England that is in miles (and not kilometers) makes me laugh. I always chuckle when I see teachers teaching metric (I work for a school district) since it seems they are telling them the same thing they told me as a kid (and I’m still waiting).

Actually it’s bottled water that’s the cause of this post. One of my 101 in 1001 things items is to drink a 1/2 gallon of water a day for three weeks and see if it makes me feel healthier. So I bought water today (it’s on sale at Target) and the bottles are a 1/2 liter so I needed to figure out how many I needed to drink. Here’s the thing they don’t list it in ounces, they listed it as “1 pint 0.9 ounces” so I had to think if a pint was 16 ounces or not. Why wouldn’t they just list it as 16.9 ounces?!?

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I ran my credit report today

Creditreport2006BRW was talking about interest and credit recently and it reminded me it’s been a while since I checked my credit report. I’m generally pretty happy with my report, nothing I had to change (usually there’s a canceled that hadn’t been listed as canceled). Saving (and not wasting) money is a skill taught to me by my mother (mostly because we didn’t have lots) but it’s a skill I’ve managed to keep.

You can get a FREE credit report 3 times a year (once from each of the three companies). I’ve mentioned this before so I’m not going to spend too much time on the details.

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Woot Off today!!!

I’m sure I’ve mentioned Woot before, they offer a great deal once a day (starting at 1 AM EST) that generally sells out pretty quick. Every so often they have a Woot Off, which means once an item sells out, they offer another one over and over (and repeat for about for 24-48 hours). So if you haven’t Woot-ed yet, now’s the time! It’s $5 for shipping no matter how many items you buy). Sometimes items are refurbished so if you’re fussy (I’m not) be sure to pay attention.

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