They Promised Me Rain…

I had my day planned and I had to rearrange the whole day. So instead of cleaning, running errands and other boring stuff I had to do something else.

This means I got to go rollerblading and drive around in the car with the top down!!! It was 60+ most of the day so I’m really enjoying this (I didn’t say I was complaining, just that it was promised). It’ll probably rain later (or sooner) since they’re still forecasting it (tomorrow too) but maybe they’ll be wrong again and it’ll get up to 70!!!

2 responses to “They Promised Me Rain…

  1. this weather is definitely exciting! I remember some birthdays I’ve had where I couldn’t even leave the house becaue the roads were closed due to snow!!

  2. I trust weathermen as much as I trust psychics and Scientologists.

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