Tag Archives: Weather

97 Degrees!

weather reportIt got to be a hot one today. They said 97 today and I don’t think they were exaggerating! I’ve bounced all around today. Heather’s house was my base and I bounced between there and the paths by the water at Northwestern U and downtown Evanston each a few times. And I drank about 10 gallons of water, coca-cola and Gatorade. I also took a bunch of photos which I’ll add later once I get back to a WiFi zone (I’ll post a few and add a bunch to my flickr feed). It’s still pretty hot out even with the sun down (even with a breeze).

Force Majeure – Review

So I saw this book a few times at the bookstore but left it alone, but when I saw it at the library I signed it out. Twenty-year-old Shane Monroe works on a machine to generate tornadoes so that we can understand them and stop them. When it turns out his college assistantship is funded by the government he quits, but then he sees strange weather disasters and he knows that it’s his fault. This is the story of a normal (genius) kid and how he tries to stop him from using his machine for evil.

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My Weather Machine Works!!!!

Bwah-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha!!! I told them I could do it and no one believed me! It’s almost May and I’m making snow, blizzard like winds and it actually sticking to the ground!

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April Showers bring…

It’s snowing. You read that right, this isn’t an old post, it’s April 23rd and it’s been wet, windy and snowy all day. No accumulation, yet…

Yes, I said yet, they are predicting 4 to 7 inches of accumulation tonight! There is actually a storm warning from 10AM today until 6PM tomorrow. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a warning that long (32 hours) before.

Time Travel (not really)

So when I listen to these radio shows and podcasts on my iPod sometimes they’re a little old when I listen to them so the news is a little old too. Sometimes this is disorienting. I’ll hear someone mention the Pope is ill or one other news fact and it throws me off a little bit. When I think about getting the news late, it’s bothered me a little bit and I’m not sure why?

But I’ve been catching up on the TiVo and it’s the same thing when I see ads for the evening news and it’s old too (especially when it’s the weather for tomorrow). The odd thing is the TiVo delays don’t bother me so much (and I recall the same when I used to use my VCR).

So why do the iPod shows bother me more? One big difference is they get mentioned in the actual show (and not in an ad) Adam Curry will mention the Pope or Leo Laporte will mention it’s Easter. I guess maybe that reminds me I’m listening to something old…

At this very moment… – Tuesday Twosome

1. Are you craving anything and if so, what?
I’m craving the attention of a new romantic relationship….
2. What is the weather outside, and do you wish it would change?
Cold and snowy. Yes I wish it were sunny (and 90 degrees)
3. What two websites do you think you will go to next after you are finished here?
Probably some podcasting sites; I haven’t checked what was new lately.
4. Do you wish you were somewhere else and if so, where?
Somewhere warm. Costa Rica has been on my mind lately.
5. Do you wish you were someone else, and if so, who?
Someone else… Unless it’s someone who just won the lotto I really don’t have anyone to be anyone else.

From the Tuesday Twosome.

What a great sunny day!

It’s such a sunny day and I didn’t have any appointments/meetings today so I took the afternoon off! A few errands, so organizing around the house and a few things to do in the garage that I’d rather do before it gets much colder…

And I get an Olga and an Orange Creme Cooler for lunch! Most importantly I’ll be getting some sun while I do most of this :)

Still Brewing…

jeanne.motionI was going to say we didn’t have the best weather for the wedding yesterday (although it wasn’t bad) but then I saw the latest here and decided to just keep my mouth shut (sorta).