Tag Archives: Vote

New Use for the Internet !

Hey! I just thought of a great new use for the Internet! We could use it to remind people about important things like voting!

So don’t forget to vote!

See, isn’t that great idea? (I’m glad I thought of it first)

Don’t Vote!

Don’t watch this video! Lots of stars in it (telling you what not to do).

I thought it was a fun video, but it gets a little long at the end. Watch at least the first 90 seconds and pass it on to a few (5) friends.

And don’t forget to register! Depending on where you live you have to do it in the next few days…

I spotted this video over at Eclecticism + It’s like I’m Magic and thought I’d pass it along…

Student Removed From Kerry Speech – Tasered After Resisting

So I’m sure many of you know about the student at the Kerry Forum at the University of Florida (here’s one of many videos available). What I don’t seem to understand is why everyone is upset that they tasered him for what he was speaking about. From what I saw, they made him leave for not giving up the mic (which was cut off) and possibly what he was speaking about (and the audience applauded for them making him leave). What they tasered him for was for fighting as they were trying to escort him out. There were four or five police trying to get him to leave and he clearly wasn’t leaving. To me, it looked as if he wanted a scene or had some kind of mental instability.

Am I missing something?!? I’m not saying the tasering was or was not excessive, but let’s be clear as to why they zapped him, it wasn’t for his words (I can’t imagine the zappers were even listening that close) it was for resisting to leave. I will agree the extra zaps were probably too much (it sounded like a few), especially if cuffed already, but it didn’t really slow him down so I can’t imagine it set as a regular taser (it never took Veronica Mars more than one zap to get someone in line). I generally don’t mess with the law, but I do know you don’t mess with security / police / secret service when it deals with senators / presidential candidates and when a bunch of people are escorting you out the building, you’re probably going to lose if you fight with them about it.

Tasersurvey200709191028EstFrom this Blog from the Washington Post I get the feeling this student was familiar with the local police.

Here’s a local Miami news survey and 44% (of over 18,000 votes) say he deserved it, cast your vote! The results really surprised me… Continue reading

Vote for Courtney Robb !

So I only ask y’all for a favor about once a year (maybe twice). This one is to take a listen to the wonderful Courtney Robb sing and then vote for her. (Thank you!)

Listen here – http://www.myspace.com/courtneyr
And vote here – http://www.myspace.com/local_long_distance VOTING IS OVER
You do not need a MySpace account to vote.

Actually, it’s just the second step that’s the favor. The first step is if only you want to make an informed decision, but I’m telling you she’s great! It’s the first voting poll on the left, it’s about one screen/page down (just below “the fold”) and I had a little problem hitting the “vote” button with “Safari” so you might need to try Firefox.

CourtneyrobbCourtney was on their radio show and having people return to be on a “listener’s choice” show and if she gets enough votes, she gets to come back.

She writes her own stuff and has a sound kinda like Anna Nalick, Jewel, Avril Lavigne, Aimee Mann and all that kind of acoustic/earthy music that I love.

And once you decide you like her, go see a show if you’re in the Detroit area (all around the Detroit, Royal Oak, Mt. Clemens, Allen Park, Redford area), she’s great!

* Full disclosure – She’s my niece, but that’s not why I’m helping to get get votes, it’s because she’s excellent is why I’m encouraging you to vote.

Update – VOTING IS CLOSED and Courtney was way ahead the last few times I looked so if you listened and voted, Thanks!!

Voting by IQ

This is list of how states voted. Listing their IQs from highest to lowest.

Continue reading

Almost half the people like the other guy’s position better!

So it looks like the election’s over. No final counts yet but it’s close 51%/48% (and I’m assuming it’ll be Bush) but either way I hope the winner doesn’t get too smug, it was pretty close. My point here is that really close to half of the country voted for the other guy. That means half of the people care about the other issues enough to go vote. I hope the that the winner keeps this in mind when making decisions — that many people aren’t thrilled with their way of doing things…

Why not vote?

So here’s a site for you to find out about some issues. Some issues appear on the screen and click on one if it interests you. It gives you several facts (of each candidate) and you pick the one you like best and it tells you which candidate it goes with.

This is very cool, I assume the information is accurate but you never know. There’s even an educational version that is modified to make if more appropriate for kids (or your low-IQ friends).