Tag Archives: TiVo

TiVo Deluxe…

M00550 SmYum! 80 hour Tivo with progressive DVD player and DVD recorder!!! Only $399 after rebates. Gotta get me one (or two) of these.

Does Anyone Watch Two and a Half Men?

It’s gotta be the most sitcom-ish show I’ve ever been hooked on and I generally laugh out loud at it. I was very pleased to see that my TiVo taped an episode I hadn’t seen before on Saturday (it’s a Monday show). It wasn’t as polished as some of the episodes but I still laughed.

Here’s the question! Do you like the short-sleeve shirts (with the odd patters or strips) that Charlie Sheen wears? I’m not sure, I saw some at the store the other day and just couldn’t decide if I liked them…

HomeWork: Week 19

Take a good look around you. What’s the most pressing disaster brewing in your house? A mammoth pile of laundry? A Leaning Tower of Dishes? A junk closet about to explode? Do you have any immediate plans for dealing with it, or is it hidden enough that you can ignore it a while longer? My place is beautiful! I picked up yesterday, tomorrow is garbage day so that and the recycling are all out and the cleaning lady came today. I need to finish rewiring the new stereo/TV cabinet. Nothing is connect, the TiVo is hooked up but I can’t hear it or see it. But it’s very neat!

From HomeWork. (I like these ’cause they’re short!)

$1,000,000 – Fun Stuff RAOJ

You are given a gift of 1 million dollars (kindly adjust for currency in your location). There are some restrictions on how you can spend some of the money, as follows:

$100,000 must be donated to charity. What charities will you support?
Probably the two different shelters and the crisis hotline that I’ve volunteered for.
$100,000 must be given to one person that you know. To whom do you give it? What would you expect him/her to do with it? Would you put any restrictions on its use? Would it make a difference if you could make the donation anonymously?
Probably my Mom. She’d have to use it for travel (off of this continent) but I think I’d force her to learn computers first so she can take pictures and post, blog and send e-mail while she travels. She can take a friend, but she’s gotta take a different friend/relative on each trip(?)
$100,000 must be given to someone who has recently been in the news. Who gets it? Why?
Hmmm… I don’t watch/read enough news and everyone I hear about is bad… I’m sure I could find some deserving person/family who’s had some hard times, or needs something to get their business back together.
$100,000 must be spent on a public beautification project. You can build a park, commission artwork, etc. What do you do, and where do you do it?
There is a boring little park down the street that would be nice if it were redone maybe something with that.
$100,000 must be spent on a memorial to someone/something that you have loved and lost. What form does the memorial take? Who is it for?
The Frank Hill memorial computer lab / reference center for the Berkley Public Library (with WiFi). Grandpa got me interested to think about things: science, technology and to read a lot. I remember going up with him to that library when I was a kid.
$50,000 must be spent studying something you have not formally studied. What will you study?
Astronomy, I always wanted to understand it better.
$50,000 must be spent establishing a scholarship. What’s it for and who will you name it for?
It would be for students to offset school costs and to get them up-to-date with technology (nice laptop, printer, WiFi, PDA, iPod, TV, Stereo, subscription to NetFlix, iTunes store, etc.) so they can have some of the cool comforts…
$50,000 must be given away in a contest. What kind of contest do you hold?
A Michigan teacher web site contest. We’d supply space or they could use their own. They keep the site up for one school year. At the end we give five $10,000 prizes. Best content. Most updated (with real content). Best Design. Best Page/Post. One random (as long as they actively used it for a whole year).
$200,000 must be spent doing as many things as you can on your “lifetime to do list.” Always wanted to see Alaska? Take a boat trip on the Rhine? What things would you do first?
Travel like I never have before (and it’d all be first class!), some cruises, Paris, Egypt. Having a child is one my list so I’d be working on that too!
That leaves you with $150,000 of mad money. If the rules say you can’t spend that money on things that might be termed “practical,” what do you buy on your spending spree?
Geek out the house with more gizmos and such. Probably the same for the car (DVD/MP3/Player). One of those new infrared outdoor grills. TiVos, iMacs and home theater systems for all my family and friends. One of those cars that will go in the water like a boat. There isn’t much I need but I’m sure I could figure out a way to spend it.

From Random Acts of Journalling

Beginnings, Middles and Ends – The Thursday Threesome

Onesome- Beginnings: Are there any television shows out there that you’ve watched regularly from the very beginning?
Joan of Arcadia, Smallville, Sports Night, Friends, Alias, Strange Luck, Roswell, VR5 and probably a few other sci-fi shows that didn’t last wlong.
Twosome- Middles: What about shows that you came into in the middle of the season but immediately grabbed your attention and turned you into a die-hard fan?
Actualy Friends was a middle of the season and but I was hooked. Mad About You hooked me for a while. I’m sure there is more
Threesome- And Ends: Recently, a number of big name shows have ended, Friends, Fraiser, The Drew Carey Show, and the cult hit, Angel. Did you watch any of the big finales? Have you ever been really sad to see a show go?
I was sad to see Sports Night and Roswell go. Every thing else was kinda short, this year I’ve lost a few: The Handler, Wonderfalls, I’m with Her, Century City and I’m sure there are a few more but I’d have to check my TiVo.

From The Thursday Threesome

Top 100 Movies

This is an easy meme. Take this list of the top 100 movies from the IMDB and bold the movies you have seen. (I’m not sure where this is originally from). This IMDB list is from May 2004. My “have seen” list is as follows…

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TiVo for Dummies?!?

I understand ‘Windows for Dummies’ obviously they need help if they bought Windows but I bet the TiVo folks never considered that there would be a need for a dummies book on their product. TiVo will change the way you watch television and it’s super easy to use. But you need to actually have one to hookup so you can understand it.

100 Things

Here’s my 100 things about me page. (If you’re looking for my 101 in 1001 days list go here.) To follow the theme that I’ve found on many other sites, partially to see what I come up with and to let others see what I come up with. I’ve broken this down a bit: I like, I dislike, I am, I’ve live in, I wish I understood more about, places I’ve been and before I die…

It’s interesting how many of these things I’ve blogged about so far…

UPDATE: December 2004/June 2005. I just came here to update this. I can’t believe how much it has not changed. The only other things are I’ve been liking my iPod (and listening to podcasting), the Scene It? DVD games and maybe some additional music groups (Katy Rose and maybe a few others) and I won’t add them until they’ve been around a bit longer. Probably “Two and a Half Men” (I laugh SO hard) and Liz Phair (added).

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