Tag Archives: TiVo

I hate TiVo!!!

It’s so seamless to watch new or old shows when I’m watching something and see advertisements or ads for the 11 o’clock news what use the words “tonight” or “this Friday” I have no idea when they are talking about!?! (You do realize I do love TiVo, right?)

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Let’s Go Digital! (Monday Madness)

From the time you get up in the morning until the time you go to bed at night, how many different digital/electronic devices do you use on any given day? Please consider listing them, as it would be interesting to see what everyone comes up with!
A timer automatically turns on a light about 10 minutes before my alarm, the digital alarm clock goes off (playing a CD), I use my remote to turn lights on and off, I use my garage door opener, I play my iPod, I use my cell phone (which is also my day planner), I use the computer at work (and that’s all before lunch).

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Time Travel (not really)

So when I listen to these radio shows and podcasts on my iPod sometimes they’re a little old when I listen to them so the news is a little old too. Sometimes this is disorienting. I’ll hear someone mention the Pope is ill or one other news fact and it throws me off a little bit. When I think about getting the news late, it’s bothered me a little bit and I’m not sure why?

But I’ve been catching up on the TiVo and it’s the same thing when I see ads for the evening news and it’s old too (especially when it’s the weather for tomorrow). The odd thing is the TiVo delays don’t bother me so much (and I recall the same when I used to use my VCR).

So why do the iPod shows bother me more? One big difference is they get mentioned in the actual show (and not in an ad) Adam Curry will mention the Pope or Leo Laporte will mention it’s Easter. I guess maybe that reminds me I’m listening to something old…

Three questions – Today_WFD_QOTD

  • TODAY- Run some errands. Watch some TiVo (the final episode of Invasion Iowa was on last night, it’s hysyterical). Maybe get my stuff for taxes together…
  • WFD- Hmmm… Unless I go out (and that’s not the plan) it’ll be Thai leftovers from Thursday.
  • QOTD- If you were guaranteed honest responses to any three questions, who would you question and what would you ask?  1) There’s a woman I never got completely over but I never understood why it ended so abruptly (i.e. dumped). 2 & 3 would have to be follow up questions. (I’m assuming you have to ask all the questions to the same person).
  • Today_WFD_QOTD

    Battlestar Galactica the Podcast

    So if you’re watching the new Battlestar Galactica on the SciFi channel (several times per Friday night) there is a way to listen to a commentary by producer Ronald D. Moore (like the director’s commentary you can listen to on DVDs). They are marketing these as podcasts but they are really just MP3 files (but of course you can get them with your podcasting client. I haven’t listened yet (I’m a few weeks behind on my TiVo) but I thought I’d mention it…

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    I recruited another member to the revolution…

    That’s the TiVo-lution. Everyone loves TiVo, if you don’t it’s because you haven’t used one yet. I’m telling you, this will change the way you watch television. After 48 hours, Jennifer is now a TiVo-addict. She was excited this morning when she checked to see if it recorded her show in the middle of the night and was going home to see if it taped her other shows for her.

    If you think you want one of these try it. If you don’t like it take it back. TiVo offers a 30 day trial on their web site.

    What a bunch of junk…

    I can’t believe how much stuff I have. A lot of it is old computer/stereo stuff that was a fortune that I can’t bear to part with because (A) it was expensive when I got it or (B) what if someone I know needs a spare part for that model someday (in the far future) or (C) someday I might want a bunch of this stuff for the Gary LaPointe Computer Museum (actually if I ever have my own company or consulting firm the lobby/waiting room will be a computer museum of sorts).

    Needless to say I cleaned/sorted the spare bedroom and storage area (under the stairs) and threw away a lot of stuff. Grabbed a few things to give a away and put a bunch of stuff in the garbage. The storage room is done, the spare bedroom will never be done but at least you can move around in there (and all the holiday stuff is down and in the farthest corner).

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    What is a Web Log?

    What is a web log (‘blog)? Ten years ago it was “What is a web site?”

    A web log is a blog (also a ‘blog) it’s an on-line journal, a diary, a captian’s log. The next question is then “Why?” followed by a response of “Why Not? and the conversation goes downhill from there.

    It gets grouped in with The Matrix and TiVo:

  • No one can be told what The Matrix is.
  • No one can be told what TiVo is.
  • No one can be told what blogging is.

    I’m not kidding, it took me the longest time to ”get it“ although part of my issue was I can do most of this already (the long way) so it wasn’t clicking. But once you get it….

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