Everyone’s definition of family differs and so do the types of things they’re thankful for. I’m thankful that I’m healthy, employed and have friends & family that care about me.

From Joy of Tech.
Everyone’s definition of family differs and so do the types of things they’re thankful for. I’m thankful that I’m healthy, employed and have friends & family that care about me.
From Joy of Tech.
While my life has been pretty cRaZy this past year it’s been awesome lately. I’m very happy with most parts of my life and I am looking forward to the future. It’s looking very promising with lots of things to be thankful for :)
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!
On this holiday note, I have no idea what I’m having for dinner today. Probably not turkey since there doesn’t seem to be any in this part of the country :)
Posted in Costa Rica 2008, food + drink, holidays + events
Tagged Costa Rica, Thanksgiving
Drive Safe! Eat Lots! And don’t forget to Be Thankful!
I know life can get crappy at times, but be thankful for the little things. I know if you’re reading this you’ve got access to a computer with Internet access, so that’s soemthing :)
I know even when I get down about the things I don’t have (which are not material things), I know I have family, friends, a home, a car that runs and a job (even if it is making me insane right now). I do have a million other things (mostly things I probably don’t need), but those material things really aren’t what matters at the end of the day.
So Thanksgiving was great, really really cold, but it was great. We were at my cousin’s house, which used to be my grandparents, which is where I grew up until I was about seven. She had family from her in-law’s side there and some relatives from our side. There wasn’t many from my side of the family but they only live a few blocks from my Mom (we’re the only single people left around here so we always tag along with their events). We probably had about a half-dozen kids too so they were fun, I haven’t seen them much at all lately so it was great to see all of them.
Posted in friends + family, holidays + events
Tagged iPod, kids, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Dinner
So I was in the newspaper today (image of article) and they ran a photo too so that made it a even more fun. At least I assume the photo was in the printed edition. It’s the local paper by where I work so I’ll have to check it out next week, but I remembered to check on-line and there it was “Expert shares advice on technology deals”.
Here’s the story, people always ask me what tech stuff to buy and how to get good deal on it. So a few jobs ago I started doing sessions for people who were interested and I’d get stuff together and they’d come with questions and I’d tell them what they “needed”. This job I started opening it up to the public for parents (I work for a school district) and residents and I do it near Thanksgiving so I can give them tips on all the Thanksgiving sales that’ll start on Friday. Then they can figure out if it’s worth getting up early for if it’s one of those killer deals. This year one of the paper’s reporters came and voila I’m in the local paper (she had mentioned the dates in the paper too).
Drive Safe! Eat Lots! And Be Thankful!
So the Jones Soda company has released their Thanksgiving Dinner in a bottle. The soda flavors included are: Brussels Sprout with Prosciutto, Cranberry Sauce, Turkey & Gravy, Wild Herb Stuffing, and Pumpkin Pie (Also included: Serving spoon, moistened towelette, and wine list). how cool is that?!? I’m armed with some to take with me to Thanksgiving Dinner. We’ll see who I can dare to try it.
They also released a pack with Broccoli Casserole, Smoked Salmon Paté, Turkey & Gravy, Corn on the Cob, and Pecan Pie. I’d really like to try the Corn on the Cob but I guess that packaging was just regionally distributed.
Posted in food + drink, friends + family, holidays + events
Tagged Halloween, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Dinner
I hope everyone has time today to think about the things we are all thankful for. Of course I’m thankful for my family, friends, health and all that stuff but there are so many extras that we take for granted.
I’m thinking if you’re reading this over the holiday weekend there are some assumptions I can make about readers (bloogees?) and what they we may take for granted: a computer, Internet access (high speed?) and the skills to do all this. Assuming you have all that, it probably means you’ve got food, shelter, heat and necessities that others may not have.
This (Internet stuff) is what some of us do for fun and if you’re like me you go into withdrawal if you don’t have access for a while, but it’s really a privilege and most of us don’t think of it that way any more. These days it seems like some of these things are necessities of life but we need to remember and be thankful for them…
That’s it, I’m done with my sermon. Just be thankful for everything and don’t take too much for granted. Have a Happy Holiday and drive careful.
Posted in friends + family, general, holidays + events, me + myself + i
Tagged people, Thanksgiving