Tag Archives: sleep

Slept great!

I’ve slept great that last two nights!!! Today I got about nine hours and yesterday I only got 6-7 but I had to get up for work so I probably would have slept longer (but it was quality sleep). I just haven’t been able to sleep in on my days off lately and I think I’ve really needed it. I used to do a 12 hour day (or two), now it’s rare if I get an uninterrupted 5 hours…

I’ve got a few things to do today. Most importantly to mail in my taxes! THey’re done, I just need to get them in a mailbox. This is an item from my 101 in 1001 list to mail them in on time. I always do them late (sometimes years late).

Speaking of 101 list I got 1/2 an item done this week. I was going to change out all my exterior lights on my car. One of the back lights went so I change out all the bulbs on the back end. It’s really cold out, even in the garage, so I saved the front end until the next bulb goes out (I already have them all purchased so I’m ready to go) and it makes a little sense to wait until one’s bad too. I’m hoping to drive this car a few more years so maybe after that I’ll never have to change another bulb on this one ever again…

My 11 hour nap!

So I had taken the day off to recover from the flight from Egypt, pick up my mail, go to two doctor’s appointments that would be needed after the trip (allergy shot and to get my neck/back worked on) and other stuff. Since I got trapped in NY I had to move the allergy appointment but the other was later so that was okay. So I set the alarm clock for three hours later and took a nap. I ended up sleeping 11 hours, missing the appointment and now I’ve been wide awake for the last three hours. Although I did get the laundry done and watched a little TiVo, I hadn’t turned a TV on in weeks…

How you sleep…

Question of the Week – 2006/02/20. More about how you sleep!

Are you a “sheet next to the skin” person or a “blanket next to the skin” person?
Do you like a heavy comforter, or just a light blanket?
Heavy comforter (I like it cold).
Ceiling fan or no fan?
I’d like a ceiling fan but I don’t have one. I usually run some kind of fan for the noise.
Windows open?
No. Sometimes on vacation when it’s someplace nice…
Nightlight or complete darkness?
Complete darkness, like a cave.
How many hours a night do you sleep (or would you sleep, if given the chance)?
I’d like about seven-and-a-half, it’s rare that I get it.

From QOTW.

How Many Spiders Do You Eat While You Sleep?

sleepingSo I actually clicked on the above ad at Yahoo! today. I usually ignore them but I just couldn’t help myself. I just thought it was interesting enough to share.

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So I woke up all motivated…

So I woke up all motivated and thought, ‘Hey! I’m up early enough to go to church“, and since I haven’t woken up early enough in a long time to go, so I thought I would. And then I realized it’s not Sunday :(


I knew I had a really long day today: a 2-3 hour meeting, 7 short presentations with travel time in between most of them this was about 12 hours and then I’m on call for the shelter that I volunteer at for another 12 hours (until 8 am). I’ve been having problems sleeping lately, so I went to bed early and took a sleeping pill to ensure some sleep, Ambien is my preference (not much side effect). Now obviously a sleeping pill is going to make you out of it a little, but these don’t do that much or at least if they do, they make you forget. Yeah, that’s the side effect, very short term memory loss. I usually have to read the last few pages of the book I was reading again or something like that. It’s not totally gone, it’s kind of a deja vu when I reread the chapter or think really hard about the events. I’m generally in bed when I take something like this, it’s not like I do it before watching TV or taking a road trip (and I try not to blog or e-mail either). Not a crisis and sometimes interesting results. That was the into, here is the story…

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A new sleep record!

So I slept great last night. Lately, a good night’s sleep has been five or six hours, I haven’t even been able to sleep on my days off lately. I’m thinking I got around eleven hours sleep so I’m feeling pretty good today. I actually woke up in a panic around seven that the alarm didn’t go off and I was late for work. But once I realized that wasn’t the case today I was able to get back to sleep for another five hours!!! :)

That’s 16 hours total!

Need Sleep

Ugh. I haven’t slept well in days and days. The big problem is in the getting to sleep. At least I don’t have to work in the morning so I can (hopefully) sleep in and catch up a little…