Tag Archives: iPod


So when I say “airport” I mean the place with airplanes not WiFi. But I am also going to mention WiFi since this airport (McCarran Airport, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA) has WiFi. For being an electronics conference there appears to be a severe lacking of wireless internet. I really needed a fix and I found a spot with a good signal AND a power outlet. I can catch up on my podcasts with my iPod with all this speed…

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Am I ever tired…

Lots of walking today at the CES. Saw lots of new electronic “stuff”. Here’s my complaint: I haven’t seen anything “new”. Of course how can that be true there were 500,000 “new” items. Everything was the next generation of things I’ve seen or had. I’m not saying I won’t buy any of the products, just nothing knocked my socks off. Everything was a little bit smaller, a bit brighter, a bit faster, a few more (mega)pixels, longer battery life and a few more devices integrated into one.

Lots of iPod accessories. Lots of HD stuff. Blu-ray DVD (50 GB of storage). Rio Zen is really trying to take the MP3 market.

Sony may have had the best setup. They made you sit through a short show before getting into their area, nice sound and nice images especially for and info-mercial. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that they probably had the best booth I saw today. A beautiful projector for $3,500. HD movies with Blu-ray. Some nice cellphones that play video and have digital cameras. Some beautiful computer displays.

I’ll have to check out “the best of” area, I think I had to cut outside to do that and it was too rainy and too cold!

Naming Conventions – A Plea to Podcasters

Everyone – I love your shows, when I can find them on my music player. The is a request for some naming consistency in your files and the Song Name*. You may have the show name in the Artist or Album, but sometimes if listing by song name all I see is a bunch of numbers with tracks mixed with others tracks. I have the iPod Photo which has more information (a few more lines and a few more characters) in the display, I can’t imagine what others are seeing (or not seeing).

When the file name or song title starts with a number it just sorts with all the others with the same numbers. Then we can’t ever find anything. Starting by month is confusing too, for example: my November “ESC Radio” just mixes in with my November “Gilmore Gang”.

When this is really an issue is when I’m trying to show someone else “something cool” but end up not finding it. They aren’t very impress or encouraged to buy anything (or buy in to podcasting) at that time. I want more people to be geeked and excited about this!!! I’m certain you feel the same.

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Gifted – FridayQ

FQ1: What’s an impressive gift ($50 US or less) on your wish list?
Probably the Star Wars Trilogy DVD (widescreen) set.
FQ2: What’s an expensive gift ($500 US or less) on your wish list?
I don’t think I have anything on my list that’s greater than $50 and less than $500. I’d love a plane ticket to somewhere warm. Oh, wait! I want an Alpine car stereo with the iPod adaptor!!! (Have I told you how much I like my iPod?!?)
FQ3: What’s an extravagant gift ($5000 US or less) on your wish list?
I’ve got a G5 iMac listed, but if I can go up to $5k I want the latest and greatest G5 desktop (with lots of disk space and memory) with a nice DUAL display card.
FQ Greed: Money is no object! What’s the most outrageous gift money can buy on your dream list?
A nice place on the west coast of Costa Rica. With high speed internet hookups and satellite TV and other “necessities”. Just to clarify, when I say west coast, I mean on the Ocean.

I did actually look at my Amazon wishlist to see what there is that I “need”…

From FridayQ

Documenting the Internet News Information System 1992-2014

So the title is boring, but the content isn’t. At least watch the movie, preferably listen to the audio and then watch the movie.

So I was listening (3:28) to Future Tense today and they talked about this 8 minute film (watch it). It’s kind of how how personalized information will be presented to you in the future and some of the problems with it. It might be helpful to listen to Jon before watching the movie. It’s interesting.

This is extra interesting to me. I’ve been perfecting my personal daily “news” feed for my iPod. Everyday it automatically gathers a bunch of short shows for me to listen to; some are “real” radio shows and some are podcasts. It’s about 30 minutes of 10-12 shows that include (but not limited to): the news (NPR news, Future Tense and other tech), health, science (stardate astronomy, earth and sky, earthwatch), word of the day, and several fluff human interest stories (I’ll elaborate more on this in some futer posts). I do listen to more, but these are pretty much the for sure ones I listen to. It’s definitely limiting what I’m hearing, but at least it’s stuff I’m interested in. In the future I know these things will be smarter and I’ll get more variety with more choices but the searching just isn’t there yet so I’m manually having to make some generalizations.

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Christmas Eve

Mexican style food and appetizers for dinner were fun! The kids sure seemed to love it. To clarify these are kids that I bought gifts for last weekend’s holiday get together, so we’re just there to hang out and eat and watch the kids play (this is fine with me they’re hysterical to watch). So now the adults have wrapped up gift cards from the kids for me as a thanks (this isn’t normal). Which is great, I love gift cards, Target and Best Buy (like I’m not in those stores 3 times a week), I’m even conscientious about how I spend them; I won’t use them to fill my prescriptions, I’ll use them when I get music, movie or some accessory for my computer or iPod (then I can tell them what I got).

Okay so I digressed, again, but I buy the presents for the kids ’cause I want to. I find stuff I like and I’ll know they like and it makes me happy. I figure out what I wanted for one the girls and spent too much time/money on it, but it’s what I wanted, so it’s what I got. What I want (at most) is for the kids to make me something as a gift or thank you. Or to make sure you invite me to the birthdays, I don’t eat much and I bring good presents, what’s the problem…
Two of the points made me laugh since they apply to me:

  • It’s just that a geek’s approach to life tends to be if-x-then-y.
  • They don’t get hints.

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  • Adam Curry – The Daily Source Code

    AdamcurryMany of you know Adam Curry from Mtv, but these days he’s known as “the prince of pod” or “the podfather” or a few other (complimentary) things. He did a lot of pushing in a lot of ways to make podcasting what it is today. His almost daily show is The Daily Source Code, to appreciate it you really need to listen (at last count I think he said he’s got 50,000 listeners). He does it like a live show, if he screws up it’s there, it’s about 40 minutes an episode so put it on your mp3 player or burn a few episodes to CD and listen to it at your convenience. He’s hysterical. His show is about tech, podcasts, music and his life, check it out.

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    iPods people just love ’em

    People love their iPods!! Or if they don’t have one, they crave one…

    Of the hard drive digital music players they have something outrageous like 90% of the market and 40-something percent of the whole (HD and Flash Memory) market. Some numbers depend on how you measure (World, North America, US, etc.)

    In a non-Apple-centric world they gotta be doing something right to get that much market share…
    Think about it, HP has second place because they are buying the Apple model and adding (note: not removing anything) an HP logo to the back (and probably not offering engraving).

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