Tag Archives: iPod

Blind Video-Gamer

Brice Mellen is on G4 TechTV (Attack of the Show) right now. He plays Mario World and Mortal Combat and he’s blind. And in a few he’s going to play another sightless gamer in “the world’s first Sightless Gamer Mortal Kombat Challenge!” Here’s a link but they don’t really do show notes like they used to…

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Doom on your iPod

So here’s an idea! After you put linux on your iPod, try installing a copy of Doom. Here’s a short video clip, it’s pretty impressive (even to a non-gamer like me); I figure some of the delay is part of movie clip. Here’s the info for what you need ipod. I think it’s actually free (legally). I’m sure it’s not easy to install.

iTunes, iPods and Apple do Podcasting software right!!!

The Apple iTunes store has added Podcasts at the iTunes Music Store
icon (just click on “podcasts” from the main menu at the ITMS) and of course they are free. I know you’re thinking, “Who cares, I’ve already got podcasting software to download them and add them to my iPod?” But this doesn’t need software this builds it right in so your friends who you haven’t gotten to listen have no excuse now (the software is free and so are the downloads). Plus they updated the firmware on your iPod to offer several benefits (read on). And Apple started their own weekly new music podacast!

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Yeah… another member in the Mac family!

Lacy at Silverberry got a new Macintosh Powerbook. She seems to be liking it and has a flickr slideshow showing that “Apple really has packaging and presentation details down”. They really do, it’s especially noticeable with the laptops and the iPods IMHO. So a like is here for your pleasure…

Try to take over the world!

You have decided that you should be the one ruling the world. Part of your master plan to take over the world, is taking something or someone for hostage. Who or what do you take for hostage and what do you request for their freedom? (From the new QOD)

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Apple Store – Troy, Michigan

Everyone seems to be talking about this weeks release of Tiger (Mac OS 10.4). Most people seem to have some complaints (generally about networking). Now I’m definitely an early adopter of “stuff” (hardware, software, services) but when it’s a major upgrade of the operating system, I tend to wait a little while. This seemed like it was to be a pretty big upgrade so I’m waiting until 10.4.1 or maybe even 10.4.2. I need reliability a lot more than I need a few new features.

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(Easily) Win Free iTunes

You must sign up and then you have two chances to win a free iTunes song each week for the next eight weeks. The payoff seems to be about 50% so far. Plus you get entered to win an iPod each time you play. It only takes seconds to do this, have I ever let you wrong on a current free deal?!?

This/That – Thursday Thoughts

Pick one word from each of the following pairs.
1. Laptop or desktop computer? Laptop. Powerbook!
2. When listening to music, headphones or no headphones? No Headphones.
3. CD or mp3? CD. But MP3s or AACs are way more convenient when they are all in my iPod.
4. When watching TV, lights on or off? Off!
5. DVD or VHS? DVD.

From Thursday Thoughts .