Tag Archives: Happy

Fortunate Friday – Friday Fun

1. What are you most fortunate for, right now at this stage in your life?
I guess my health and my job. Both have been very good to me lately. :)

2. What do you wish you were fortunate enough to have? Is it attainable?
A wife and a child or two (that’s two kids, not wives). Attainable: The latter definitely (at least with adoption). The wife I just need to find the right one and have her think the same thing (still working on that).

3. Name one thing about each person in your immediate family that makes you feel fortunate to have them in your life.
My Mom is really my only definable immediate family, I don’t really see my father. She’s always been there when I need her! She’s pretty low maintenance too (although I don’t think that’s what was meant by fortunate).

From Friday Fun.