Tag Archives: DVD

Tori Amos

Tori has a new CD out tomarrow! It’s called The Beekeeper. I’ve only heard one song (Sleeps With Butterflies) but I think I’m going to like it, it reminds me of a few of her older albums.

She’s also got a new book out called Tori Amos: Piece by Piece. I’ve purchased it but I haven’t read it (today would have been a good day to read it).

FYI – There is a regular and deluxe edition of the CD, not sure of the difference (I’m assuming a DVD in the bonus version?).

I just bought the coolest monitor…

SharplcdI’ve been wanting a LCD monitor for my other computer. Hadn’t seen any great deals since I made the decision. Then I saw an awesome price (read below) on this 15“ Sharp LCD TV with built-in TV (antenna or cable) w/CC and RCA video and S-video and a headphone jack and a remote (batteries included) and built-in speakers…

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Olympus MP3/Camera (m:robe)

So I was kinda sad when I saw the commercial for the beautiful/sleek m:robe MR-500i (the Olympus MP3/camera). I’ve been raving about my photo iPod and now this thing comes along. But on The Screen Savers they just gave it a pretty bad review (no flash, no shutter button, 20 GB, very slow to download songs, $500). Looks beautiful was pretty much all they had to say that was good about it… And what’s up with the dumb name?

So I still feel pretty great about my iPod Photo (and isn’t that what really matters?).

Am I ever tired…

Lots of walking today at the CES. Saw lots of new electronic “stuff”. Here’s my complaint: I haven’t seen anything “new”. Of course how can that be true there were 500,000 “new” items. Everything was the next generation of things I’ve seen or had. I’m not saying I won’t buy any of the products, just nothing knocked my socks off. Everything was a little bit smaller, a bit brighter, a bit faster, a few more (mega)pixels, longer battery life and a few more devices integrated into one.

Lots of iPod accessories. Lots of HD stuff. Blu-ray DVD (50 GB of storage). Rio Zen is really trying to take the MP3 market.

Sony may have had the best setup. They made you sit through a short show before getting into their area, nice sound and nice images especially for and info-mercial. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that they probably had the best booth I saw today. A beautiful projector for $3,500. HD movies with Blu-ray. Some nice cellphones that play video and have digital cameras. Some beautiful computer displays.

I’ll have to check out “the best of” area, I think I had to cut outside to do that and it was too rainy and too cold!

Gifted – FridayQ

FQ1: What’s an impressive gift ($50 US or less) on your wish list?
Probably the Star Wars Trilogy DVD (widescreen) set.
FQ2: What’s an expensive gift ($500 US or less) on your wish list?
I don’t think I have anything on my list that’s greater than $50 and less than $500. I’d love a plane ticket to somewhere warm. Oh, wait! I want an Alpine car stereo with the iPod adaptor!!! (Have I told you how much I like my iPod?!?)
FQ3: What’s an extravagant gift ($5000 US or less) on your wish list?
I’ve got a G5 iMac listed, but if I can go up to $5k I want the latest and greatest G5 desktop (with lots of disk space and memory) with a nice DUAL display card.
FQ Greed: Money is no object! What’s the most outrageous gift money can buy on your dream list?
A nice place on the west coast of Costa Rica. With high speed internet hookups and satellite TV and other “necessities”. Just to clarify, when I say west coast, I mean on the Ocean.

I did actually look at my Amazon wishlist to see what there is that I “need”…

From FridayQ

TiVo Deluxe…

M00550 SmYum! 80 hour Tivo with progressive DVD player and DVD recorder!!! Only $399 after rebates. Gotta get me one (or two) of these.

Six Feet Under

I love this show, for some reason I only watch it when I’ve got time on my laptop. It’s a show about a bunch of dysfunctional relationships. Dad died and the family is trying to run the family funeral home. The secretive gay brother who dates a cop. The “lost” sister who’s either confused or lost. The mom who feels too much guilt (I can’t give away why). The cool brother who dates the genius girlfriend with a possibly even more dysfunctional family.

It’s hysterical. I think it’s still on HBO. Problem with viewing while traveling is that sometimes the funeral home gets a little graphic (minus) and there is nudity (sometimes not a minus). Check it out. The first few seasons are out on DVD.

Fan listings

1. Who or what is on your computer’s wallpaper?
Nothing (boring). It’s usually just distracting for me. I’ll set it after/during a vacation. The last was London.
2. Go through your DVD/pre-bought video collection. Which three actors or actresses feature the most in them?
Without looking, I’d say Drew Barrymore (Boys on the Side/Ever After). Now that I look I’d have to add Keanu Reeves (3 Matrix) and Liv Tyler (Armageddon/Stealing Beauty). My collection is pretty diverse. Unless it’s music I usually don’t buy DVDs, unless it’s a really good deal.
3. Go through your book shelves. Which three authors have written the majority of the books?
Diane Duane and Neil Gaiman and Mauve Binchey
4. And what about CDs?
Tori, Indigo Girls and Sarah McLachlan (they probably are who I have the most DVDs of too).
5. Open up the picture folder(s) on your hard drive. Of which actor/actress/movie/tv series/musician do you have the most pictures?
Hmm… Don’t really have a “picture” folder like that. Got a lot of stuff on the desktop I was using for posts: Veronica Mars (Kristen Bell), David Pogue (geek), Joan of Arcadia, Wimbledon…

Found at The Daily Meme.