Tag Archives: Detroit

Gas Prices

So I just passed about twenty gasoline stations from Dearborn to Wyandotte and every single one (except one) was $2.99. That’s every station from Michigan and Schaefer/Coolidge to Jefferson/Biddle and Eureka. That’s pretty good from the stories I’m hearing out there. Oh and the one the wasn’t $2.99, it was $2.92! (it was at Biddle and Northline if you’re from around here). I also noticed places like http://www.detroitgasprices.com/ have been keeping their information up-to-date with these higher prices…


It’s sad, but I was excited last night to only pay $2.99 for a gallon of gasoline.

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When is HDTV not HD?!?

So I picked up an HD TV cable box today. But I don’t have an HD television. “Why?”, you ask? The better to see it with! My picture for the HD channels are beautiful!!! I feel like I just bought a new TV! My HD cable TV box will work fine on most TVs; probably any TV that will let you hook up a DVD player will hook up to this and give you a much better picture.

HdtvlogoHere’s the thing: it’s got regular “video out” connectors on it (the yellow video or s-video), the same connectors that you use to hook up your DVD player. If you think your DVD picture is better than your regular TV, I’d say you should try this out. I’ve got Comcast in the Detroit area, I just walked in to get the box and came home and hooked it up instead of the old one. It’s only $5 more a month than the regular digital cable box.

How good is the picture do you ask? It almost as good as my DVD player !!! I’m using the s-video connector (the one that looks like the small round keyboard connector for your computer) and I’d say it’s way better than my old digital cable box. I’m sure you’re wondering why and the answer is simple: The television standard that we use has ben in use for over sixty years and that was black and white (color wasn’t tacked on until a dozen years later).

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Avril in my Eyes

AvrillavignetmSo, as you know, I’ve had Avril Lavigne in my head lately. Especially: Fall to Pieces, Sk8er Boi, My Happy Ending and I Always Get What I Want (mostly the first one). So she’s in town (Detroit-ish) tonight Pine Knob (DTE) so I picked up some tix and now she’ll be in my eyes and my ears!

I’m in Row L so my photos wont be very good, so if anyone gets anything better let me know where you post them or send a few my way. Thanks!

Car that is art

crazy carSo the other day I saw this cRaZy car. It’s got these wild colors and weird junk stuff glued all over the car, like shells, pencils, dolls, painted bottle-caps and more than I can list here. crazy art carSo of course I took some pictures (click for larger versions), but when I got home they didn’t come out at all (it looked like the lens cover didn’t open all the way). I was pretty disappointed since I was trying to show someone the photos when I discovered they were duds…

Fast-forward to a week later. Guess what I saw!?!?! You got it, the cRaZy car! If you look hard at the enlarged version you can see the back wiper blade is a baby doll’s arm. It’s just completely bizzaro and I saw it twice in a week in different areas of the metro-Detroit area…

Art that is cars

Detroit Tiger CarSo all over downtown Detroit are these goofy looking “cars” that I guess are some kind of art. I’m sure we saw at least a dozen as we navigated our way around last night. This one was in front of Tiger Stadium Comerica Park and as you can see it does look like a tiger.

Anyone know the story behind these things?

Spirit of Detroit Pistons

Spirit of Detroit PistonsSo the Detroit Pistons are going for the gold again. I was just downtown last night and just happened to be in the right spot to get a picture of the “Spirit of Detroit”, a 26 foot tall statue, wearing a Pistons jersey.

FYI – The statue was created by Marshall Fredericks and put on display in 1958. He never named it the Spirit of Detroit (I’m not sure where the name first came from). At the time, “It was the largest cast statue made anywhere since the Renaissance and was designed to require no repairs for 100 years.”

Tori Amos Concert

So I was just reading another blog (Glimpse of a Girl) and she has her review of the Tori concert and I realized I never said anything about it when I went last week! I think it was Thursday the 14th of April.

It was great!! The seats were really good, row M to the right, you always want to sit on the right at a Tori concert if you have a chance since she usually faces that way. She generally has two keyboards but plays most songs on the (baby?) grand on the right. This time was different she had four keyboards of various types and was constantly bouncing around so it offered a better view for others but the right was still the place to be… Tori Amos

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