Tag Archives: Christmas

Where’s my wallet?!?

So I looked all over the house and checked my pockets but I can’t find my “wallet”. I put it in quotes because it’s not a wallet, it’s really all the stuff I keep in my pocket (some cash, a charge card, driver’s license, some business cards of mine, a few cards for the shelter and that’s about it). But I can’t find it. I checked the two pairs of pants I ware yesterday but no luck. I know I had it when I went to the library but I don’t know if I took it to the Christmas party last night. I was hungry so I didn’t look long and I had some other cash, I’m up at BK so At least I’m full now. It’s that I generally only put it on one or two places, I’ll look harder when I get home…

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It’s a Blondfire Christmas

BlondfirexmasSo Blondfire (formerly known as Astaire) has released an exclusive Holiday EP through iTunes. It’s only $3.96!! I’ve mentioned Blondfire several times before and seen them in concert and I sure wish they’d play somewhere local again.

I’ve purchased it at iTunes and I am (impatiently) waiting for the tracks to download…

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Multiple Things…

I love my Christmas tree! When I get a few more decorations up (and clean up the living room) I’ll do a picture. All the white lights are really bright though.

Another 26 things got by me and I didn’t get more than one photo taken. I can’t find it (maybe it’s still on the camera).

I need to finish my 101 things in 1001 days list since I know I’m going to be crossing one off this week.

It was Cat in the Hat day in the morning and afternoon preschool so they asked me to dress up and come read to the kids! We did “The Cat in the Hat” and “Green Eggs and Ham” They all had paper hats (and big bow/bowties) that looked like the Cat in the Hat. :)

BlogSpot.com seems to be down tonight (a few blogs and memes I like are up there).

Christmas Tree Status

So the nine foot trees are sparse around here and I had to give up on one with colored lights, all I could find were white lights. So I’m thinking I’m definitely not going to find a colored light one on sale after. I decided the Martha Stewart one from K-mart really was the nicest one (it’s a little skinny but that’s part of when I like it). Here’s the problem, no one has them in stock. I’ve check a half-dozen and friend’s have checked a few others for me. So here craziest part: They’re on sale today (28% off) but no one has them! So I check the first store I checked and they’ve got them marked on-sale but have none (at least mark them out of stock!). And the manager remembers that one of the stores got two in, but can’t remember which one (how helpful is that?!?).

So I get the phones numbers of a bunch of stores from them (including a few I hadn’t checked) and start calling. No one has them. Kelly calls me and tells me they have one at the store by her (that’s funny, they told me they were out when I called). She’s calling from Liz’s and they hop in the mini-van and pick it up and deliver it to me! Now that’s service!

I’ll put it up later and see if I’m happy enough to not replace the 800 bulbs with multi-colored lights. Once I put my colorful ornaments on, maybe it’ll be okay. Or at least okay enough…

Christmas Tree Assembly

So I hate assembling my Christmas Tree, it’s only a few years old but it’s making me cRaZy, especially since I’d rather have a real tree (but my allergies bug me when I do). So I’m looking for a fake artificial one, here’s the trick: I want it tall and have multi-colored lights. Most of the tall ones (9-10 feet) I see are all clear unless I go really tall and really expensive. The ones I’ve seen are in the $199-$299 range, look great and the bottom isn’t too big (i.e. it doesn’t take up the whole room). I actually really like the $199 nine-and-a-half foot one I saw at Home Depot yesterday, I might just have to go clear if I don’t find anything in a few days.
Has anyone seen anything they like or can recommend that fits what I’m looking for? (Multi-colored, 9-10 feet, not a huge base and $200-$400)

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BBRRR… Did someone say winter?

1. Do you like the colder weather, or are you into the hotter weather?
I like hotter better, but colder isn’t as annoying as much for the short term (I can go out side for a minute and not come back hot and sweaty.

2. What is your favorite thing about winter?
Snow and/or ice on the trees and Christmas lights outside (with now).

3. Do you have a favorite comfy, cozy lounging around outfit?
Not really.

4. What’s your favorite warm drink when it is just too cold out there?
Hot apple cider with carmel whip. Preferably the cider has had a cinnamon stick soaking in it all day…

From Tuesday’s Tales.

My top 5, all time favorite movies?

What are your Top 5, all time favorite movies?

  • Flight of the Navigator: An unknown Disney movie. But one of the best.
  • The American President: Aaron Sorkin before Sport’s Night and before The West Wing.
  • The Cutting Edge: D.B. Sweeney as a hockey player who gets an injury. While it stops him from playing hockey, it doesn’t stop him from skating.
  • Ever After – A Cinderella Story: Drew Barrymore as a Cinderella-ish “character”
  • A Christmas Story: Be careful, or you’ll shoot your eye out!!!

    From Top 5 Friday

  • One Small Step (a long time ago and kinda far away)

    So it’s been 36 years since we landed on the Moon. I still think that is so cool. I really thought we’d be making field trips there by now but unfortunately that isn’t the case. These days I’m just excited/hopeful that we’ll get the shuttle missions going again.

    For my birthday last year (or maybe it was Christmas) I got this Apollo 11 Artifact Kit. It’s got all sorts of cool paraphernalia in it (mission patch, moon map, travel voucher, customs declaration, school photos of one of the astronauts kids and other interesting stuff) and a book too. My mother saw it the other day and commented on how much her dad would have liked it, he’s the guy who got me interested in space and science. I don’t know if he ever knew that. I remember him taking me up to the library and getting books when I was little and I remember getting something to do with space at the same time he was (my version had lots more pictures than his did). It’s that first time that I always think of when people ask me about how I got interested in science and technology. I don’t know what was going on that made him interested, maybe a space mission or the anniversary of some launch or maybe just plain old curiosity.