Tag Archives: Christmas

Four (by 8) things

Four jobs you’ve had in your life:
Web Programmer
Computer Trainer
Camp Counselor

Four movies you could watch over and over:

The Flight of the Navigator
The American President

The Cutting Edge
A Christmas Story

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Saturday Six – 89

1. Which of the following generally costs you more: a normal trip to your barber/hairstylist, your usual lunch at your favorite restaurant, the most recent amount you paid to fill up your gas tank, or your biggest single contribution to a single charity in 2005?
My biggest contribution to a single charity was the largest: which would to First Step (the shelter I volunteer at). Next would be Gas, Hair, Lunch.
2. What drink — alcoholic or not — do you drink entirely too much of?
Coca-Cola. My other drinks are water, Cap’t + Coke, Long Island Iced Teas, and a fruity drink that tastes like Hawaiian Punch.

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Good Morning! Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

Merry Christmas!! I was going to try and sleep a little more but my mother is visiting and is downstairs trying to use the remote control to turn the lights on down there. But she keeps blinking lights (and relays) on and off in my room. Scared the crap out of me! I guess I should get up so we can eat and do the present thing. Yea!!!

Everyone have fun today and don’t forget to be nice to your family :)

I’ll have a report on some of my loot later…

Merry Christmas Eve

I’ve been out doing a little more shopping today, I didn’t think the stores were bad at all. Some stores had long queues but lots of registers open, so I didn’t wait much more than an average day. Plus, I cashed in one of my gift certificates and bought Makers: All Kinds of People Making Amazing Things In Their Backyard, Basement or Garage while at Borders (thanks!).

Everyone please drive safe and take care today. Be nice to your family even if they are making you cRaZy!

Free Christmas Tree – Looking for a Good Home

If there is someone who needs* a Christmas tree I have a very nice artificial 7.5 foot Martha Stewart brand tree to give away. It’s only two or three years old and in great shape. It’s just a pain to assemble so I bought a three piece pre-lit tree this year. All you have to do is make arrangements to come pick it up, I’m in the Dearborn (Detroit) Michigan area. As soon as it is claimed I will post it is reserved (which means they haven’t picked it up yet) and or taken. Please feel free to e-mail me about this (be sure to answer the immediate auto-reply you will get) include a phone number to make arrangements.


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This is post number 1,000!!!

This is my one-thousandth post! That’s all I’ve got to say about it…

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TiVo Closed Captioning

I wish TiVo made it possible to turn on Closed Captioned (which would make it have subtitles). I use a TiVo and a Data/Video Projector so I don’t have an actual television that I can turn the captioning on. This is annoying in that when I can’t hear something clearly (and “rewinding” doesn’t help) there’s nothing I can do. We really need this as a feature.

There’s other reasons to have this:

  • For your little kids to have the text while they watch TV to help with the connections between the audible and written words.
  • Language reinforcement for those with literacy issues. This was just covered by Google with the phrase of (SLS) Same-Language Subtitling (which I’ve never heard it referred to as that before).
  • And of course one of the main reasons (it’s original purpose, I believe) for the Hearing Impaired.
  • Having the TV on when there is company over (which I generally don’t do unless there is a holiday themed movie on) to mute it and just have the text. (It always suprises me how many people haven’t seen “A Christmas Story”.)

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  • A Very Lego Holiday Tale

    So this isn’t exactly a very Christmas-ish tale, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t entertaining hysterical. Dave at Blogography has a Lego Advent Calendar which means a new little lego toy for each day of the month of December.

    Be sure to start at the beginning of the story on December 1, the “Lego chapters” have their own special sections but they are mixed in with regular posts. I’m thinking there will be a Santa, reindeer and a few other holiday items before the end of this but I’m not sure it’ll end happily ever after

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