Tag Archives: beach

Vacation – Chick Chat

1. Where Do You Visit The Most On Vacation?:
Probably Florida, the Miami (pardon me, the South Beach area) and Ft. Lauderdale area. Haven’t been there in a while but it’s got sun and good roller blading. I’ve probably been to Florida the most especially counting other locations. I’ve been to Washington D.C. a lot but mostly for work. I’ve been to Chicago and Toronto more than a few times but those are usually quick trips and don’t require much planning. I’ll make Florida be my final answer!
2. What’s Your Idea Of A Dream Vacation?:

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Question of the Week is…

Would you enjoy it– not ‘would you’ or ‘would you not’, but ‘would you have a good time’– if you spent a month of solitude in a setting of your choice? Food, shelter, and any other physical needs would be taken care of, but you could have no contact with any other person. What would you do? What would your setting be?
I think I could and would have a good time. I would be somewhere warm, on the beach. I’d want my my computer, music, audio books and a bunch of podcasts to listen to; actually I’d probably have some regular books too. Can I have a telescope and some clear skies? I’d love internet access (high speed of course) and if it was required I could avoid two way communication (e-mail and chat etc.) but I want to be able to work on my sites. I’d need to atleast blog about not having human contact(?).

From the Question of the Week.

Six months to live…

Tinne was talking about it here. So I started thinking about it, my “before I die” list definitely changes if I know it’s going to be that short. I’ve got stuff I want to do but honestly most of the stuff I want (marriage, kids, etc.) isn’t going to happen in the next six months. So what would I do? This is all assuming I “know” that it’s six months. And that I’m not in excruciating pain or something.

I’d quit work. Cash out all my savings and retirements. Actually I’d take a leave so I could keep the health and the life insurance (if I’m gonna be crazy for 6 months, mom might as well as benefit if I slip or fall or something). Probably work for free at a day care or something like that (I love kids).

I’d be traveling with friends. Probably some busy trips and probably some go to a destination and just relax for a while. Never made it to France so that’s be on the list and maybe a cruise or three. Definitely some time on the beach in Costa Rica. And I’d like to see the pyramids. I usually try to travel conservatively but since it’s not like I’d have to pay the charge cards back or anything, it’d be first class all the way. Of course I’d be traveling with the latest electronic gizmos and such. I’d have to blog my last six months, maybe sell the book rights…

I’d like to think there’d be lot’s of sex and such, but based on my recent experience, I’m not sure why that would change. But I guess I wouldn’t be looking for commitment and if they know I only got six months, I’m assuming they aren’t either. Besides, that’s such a good line (I’ve only got six months to live…). Besides this would help me to sell the book rights, right?

I’ve always wanted to go into outer space, do you think the trip would be cheaper if it was only one way?

I’d probably throw out / sell / give away bunches of stuff so mom wouldn’t have to dig through it later. Or at least use a bunch of post-its so she knows who gets what and what might be worth something and what’s trash.

I’d buy and give away lots of music and books, I always have stuff that (I think) friends/relatives should read/listen to. I assume they’d do it if it was some final wish…

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BurnIt Summer 2004

I sent out my Burn It CDs late (but it was more than a few days ago, so if you didn’t get yours it’ll be there any minute) the theme was songs from movies. I was in two BurnIt groups (so I had six people sending CDs to me (actually I only had packages from five of them) and I had to send to the six of them and the coordinator.

I was nervous at first Alfie sent hers’ out way early and the packaging was beautiful. Great cover, printed CD, artwork for the back and inside (behind the CD). Even her printing on the envelope was great. Very professional and I don’t think it’s related to her major. She set the bar very high, the rest had some nice ones and some plain ones so I was feeling better for mine. Mine might have been in 2nd place for looks but I was still left in her dust.

I do have one complaint about iTunes, until you burn you don’t know how long your disc is, I mean who measures time by saying 1.1 hours?!?

Some were songs I liked, some were artists and some were movies I liked that I wanted a song from. It was hard since some of the movies just have a great sound track (Some Kind of Wonderful, The Lost Boys, Pretty in Pink, Boys on the Side, Bill and Ted’s, City of Angels, etc.) Here’s the track listing if you’re curious.

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Share your two favorite… – Tuesday Twosome

1. ways you cool off from the summer heat: Air Conditioning and Ice Cream.
2. summer activities: Rollerblading and Bicycling.
3. cold beverages: Coca-Cola and A & W Root Beer.
4. summer memories: Hanging out at the beach and hanging out with the guys (building floats keeps popping into my mind but that’s more of a fall thing.).
5. vacation spots: Costa Rica and England (and Miami Beach)

From Tuesday Twosome

Fun In The Sun – Sunday Brunch

1. Do you prefer the beach or a pool?
Beach! Ocean!
2. What kind of tan are you most likely to get during the summer… a beautiful, bronze, laying out in the sun for hours tan; a gradual, few minutes a day tan; a “farmer tan” from working outdoors; or do you just get as red as a lobster and peel the next day?
I usually burn once per per year, the first time out and then I peal a little and then I’m fine after that.
3. Which summertime water activity are you more likely to enjoy the most… boating, jet skiing, waterskiing, swimming or floating down a lazy river on a tube?
Floating down the river. But I’d probably enjoy just sitting by the river and listen to the water rushing by…
4. What is your favorite picnic food?
Brats on the grill. And Coke.
5. Do you know how to cook on a barbeque grill?
You bet! I usually cook my non-breakfast meals on a grill.

From Sunday Brunch.

First ‘weekly bit’

1. What are you favorite things to do during the summer?
Rollerblade, picnics, read and sometimes bicycle.
2. Are you an outdoors person?
Not so much.
3. Beach, pool or lake?
Ocean or river. I like the water noise…
4. What are you favorite summertime memories?
I loved being on campus at MSU in the summers. Very relaxed, quiet (and so were the classes). Summer plays outside. I liked being down by the river and it was fun when the baby animals came around, it was always a blast to see the baby ducks being trained how to navigate the rapids…
5. Will you be going on vacation this summer?
I hope so. I just mentioned London to my friend Mark, I know (for some unknown reason) he’s dying to go there. I’d love to be there when it’s nice, so….

From The Weekly Bit

Favorite (and Unfavorite) Sitcoms

1. What’s your favorite sitcom?
Two and a Half Men won best comedy and also was renewed for next season.. It’s pretty funny,
2. Is there a sitcom you really don’t like?
Most of the others… Not a big sitcom fan…
3. Which sitcom did you used to like, but now it just seems too hokey?
Scrubs. It’s just a little too bizzaro sometimes.
~Bonus~ If your life was a sitcom, what would the title be?
Geeks in the City(?)

From TV Tuesday