This can’t be a coincidence can it?!? “Heaven” is the same place as part of “Two Streams” medical facility?!? “Missy” seems to be collecting people that died because of (or for) The Doctor, but why?
The second question is why here? This is clearly the same place and it’s not like they tried to disguise it (other than lots of flowers). How weird is that? This is the Two Streams health care facility where Amy Pond was stuck for 30+ years back in season 6 in episode 10 (The Girl Who Waited) and now they’re using it for Missy’s “Heaven”. It could a coincidence and they just thought no one would notice…

This can’t be a coincidence can it? “Heaven” is the same place as part of “Two Streams” medical facility?!? It’s pretty much the same camera angle (if I dug around more, I could probably find one even closer).
To be clear (just for the DW geeks): this is the time stream where older Amy shouldn’t exist any more (the place itself should still exist) but this image is probably from before younger (normal age) Amy was rescued, we assume the older Amy disappeared when the younger was rescued (re-writing time) but we don’t know for certain; she was captured and if the time being rewritten didn’t erase her then it’s likely she would have been killed with “kindness” (but could have been saved last minute). I’m not saying this has anything to do with Amy (it’s more likely an evil alternate version of Clara!), it’d be a stretch that this could be her evil child that somehow grew up in the facility; not likely, as this was post Melody being born and she couldn’t have more kids, but she was in a medical facility…