Tag Archives: Detroit

Anna Nalick in Michigan

Speaking of getting hit by the search engines, I get lots of hits on my earlier posts about Anna Nalick but strangly very few comments.

She’s in Michigan a few times this week (Mt. Pleasant and Detroit). I know I’m going to at least one of the shows.

Anyone else out there going to any of them? It actually might be billed as just the Rob Thomas concert but she’s opening, so don’t be late! They’re both at small venues so leave a comment (or e-mail) and maybe we can say hi at the concert(?)…

Oakland County Child Killings

So just a few days ago I was thinking about the Oakland County Child Killings from a few decades ago. I thought it was pretty bizarre that I even thought about it at the time. I was in a parking lot and I remembered trying to recall the type of they were looking for (at the time I couldn’t think of they name but it was a blue Gremlin, with a white stripe). I do remember thinking it was strange that I was even thinking of it and I’ve thought of it several times since then. I was on the way to the car, not from it, so I wouldn’t have just heard it on the radio (besides I’m pretty sure I was listening to a Laura Veirs CD earlier, it was my day off, so I didn’t need the traffic report).

So here’s the extra strange part, I was googling around looking for John McElroy’s Automotive Insight show to see if they had an on-line feed (which I never did find) and I found this WWJ Audio Page with a link to a November 30, 2004 story about the killings. I’m 99% pretty sure it’s from the same day I was thinking about it. Coincidence? Or did I catch part of the story and not remember? or…?

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The “New” West Wing – Review

So I’m starting to come back around to what I call The “New” West Wing. I call it this because it’s like all the other shows that have a spin off. We’ve got Law and Order and CSI:Everywhere but you can’t have “The West Wing:Detroit”, that’s just not right. And I’m not really sure what’s in The East Wing so we have The “New” West Wing, it was really the only way to change it. It’s too bad, I really like the original, I mean I really really liked it. Now it’s just a decent show that’s getting a little better every time I watch it. And while it has some of the same characters, it’s not the same show it was and it’ll never be.

So here’s my point (I actually have one for this post), if you gave it up last season (like I did), it’s time to come back and give it another try. It’ll take a few episodes to get your head back around it, but it’s worth the effort. Just remember, it’s kind of a spinoff…

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Car Repairs (again)

So my car has been making some funny noises up front lately. Guess where I am? I’m waiting at Belle Tire to see what’s wrong with it. It’s something up front and with the tires or alignment or steering or something

We’ll see how it goes. It’s a little busy here, probably some people who want to get their car fixed before they travel for the holiday. I’ve spent $700-ish each of the last two times I had service so I’m hoping it’s not too bad. It’s only a 2000 so it’s not that old, it’s at 56,000 miles and I take pretty good care of it (oil, tires, brakes, etc.).

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It’s dropped a whole dollar!

So in the last 10 weeks gas has dropped a dollar! At least it has in the Detroit, Michigan area. Probably two out of three stations are $1.99 or less for a gallon of gasoline. It’s just crazy to think that it was over $3.00 not that long ago.

Not much of a deep thought but it keeps hitting me every time I pass a gas station and see how low it’s gone.

$2.33 (or not?)

So I usually don’t do this, I went a bit out of my way to save money on gasoline. I’ll usually just pay attention so y path takes me by the cheap places but this one place at Evergreen and Schoocraft has been really cheap lately so I drove out of my way to get it. Due to construction it was way out of my way.

It was two gas stations across the street from each other both with a line, but only $2.33 a gallon! So I got in line waited about five minutes (that’s five minutes longer than normal for me) and I saw my chance. I squeezed through two cars and I got the heck out of there! I’ll hit one of the places without a long line later…

Future Archives

Some of these short little posts about the gas prices just aren’t going to make sense someday when someone looks back at these posts. These days I can just say “$2.38” to someone and it makes sense (they know I’m talking about the gas prices) but if it ever gets reasonable again it won’t be as clear.

FYI, for gas prices I keep an eye on detroitgasprices.com (not more than 24 hours out of date), I don’t rush out when I see a great price but if I’m heading in the direction I’ll get it. It just gives me an idea of if it’s in the $2.40s or $2.70s today. Also, sites like this are more up-to-date when prices are very high (what ever constitutes high that year). GasBuddy.com is the parent site and lists all over the country.

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Connections to the world

So I’ve been getting some promos from Talk America for their DSL which is only $25 a month (first month free and free modem) and they claim 4MB service. They also offer free dial-up for travel (but the guy on the phone referred to is as a backup plan). I love Talk America. I use them for my phone service: my local calling area is much larger (most of metro Detroit), unlimited minutes and unlimited member to member calling for 22.95.

I thought I’d try it, it’s free, right? But the computer at their end was dead so I have to wait. But then I called my cable company (Comcast) and hassled them (generally it’s best to call the disconnect / cancel service departments for these calls. I got them to drop my cable modem costs $10 a month (for the next 12 months) with no problem. A little more haggling and I got them down $15 a month, so I’m not as cheap as the DSL but I’m definitely in the range of where I want to be and it’s been good service so I’m happy with it (I did this about 8 months ago and they gave me a similar, but not as good as this, discount for six months).

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