Category Archives: health

Exercise, allergies, broken limbs, dentist appointments, anything that fits.


I knew I had a really long day today: a 2-3 hour meeting, 7 short presentations with travel time in between most of them this was about 12 hours and then I’m on call for the shelter that I volunteer at for another 12 hours (until 8 am). I’ve been having problems sleeping lately, so I went to bed early and took a sleeping pill to ensure some sleep, Ambien is my preference (not much side effect). Now obviously a sleeping pill is going to make you out of it a little, but these don’t do that much or at least if they do, they make you forget. Yeah, that’s the side effect, very short term memory loss. I usually have to read the last few pages of the book I was reading again or something like that. It’s not totally gone, it’s kind of a deja vu when I reread the chapter or think really hard about the events. I’m generally in bed when I take something like this, it’s not like I do it before watching TV or taking a road trip (and I try not to blog or e-mail either). Not a crisis and sometimes interesting results. That was the into, here is the story…

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A new sleep record!

So I slept great last night. Lately, a good night’s sleep has been five or six hours, I haven’t even been able to sleep on my days off lately. I’m thinking I got around eleven hours sleep so I’m feeling pretty good today. I actually woke up in a panic around seven that the alarm didn’t go off and I was late for work. But once I realized that wasn’t the case today I was able to get back to sleep for another five hours!!! :)

That’s 16 hours total!

If Boogers can strengthen your immune system…

And sunlight can suppress it then (according to this) we should just “sit in the dark picking our noses”.

Saw this in a magazine and found it on my first google attempt (“children eat boogers to increase immunity”).

The only concern is that too much Mucophagy may lead to Rhinotillectomania.

Hey! Be careful with that nail gun.

nailgun-tm“A construction worker had six nails driven into his head in an accident with a high-powered nail gun, but doctors said Wednesday they expect him to make a full recovery.” And by the way the “Authorities cleared the co-worker of any wrongdoing.”

Original Yahoo! story.

Minor Update: I found someone with a better photo (x-ray) of this guy.

Funny Update: Here’s contextual text oops related to the same article