Tag Archives: Spock

Star Trek: Into Darkness – The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few…

Warning, this is from a EXTENDED teaser trailer. May be consider to have spoilers, but I’m not sure if spoilers involves previews (unless you don’t actually watch previews).

Lots of dark crazy destructive action until about one minute in.


“Is there anything you would not do… for your family??”


Look how the one hand looks behind plastic. Really really reminds me of the death of Spock in the (wait for it…) second Star Trek movie. Seems a little cheesy to steal this story-line, so we’ll see what they do with it. Who knows, I haven’t read much, maybe Benedict Cumbatch is playing Khan, except it’s a little to early in Kirk’s career (in this timeline) to have Khan as an enemy yet. From the slightly shorter version of the preview, Khan didn’t cross my mind, but for this extra few seconds, he did….

Link to Star Trek Into Darkness teaser incase the embedded version doesn’t show.

That part kind of flipped me out a bit and I don’t know why?

Maybe “Is there anything you would not do… for your family?” will replace “the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few” quote? Not. A. Chance.

Star Trek The New TimeLine

So I’ve seen a lot of people confused about the new Star Trek universe. It’s pretty simple, it gets explained to you in the new movie several times.

Warning if you haven’t seen the movie, there are big spoilers below:

st-timeline.jpgIt’s explained with Spock with Kirk and again with Spock and Uhura. When Nero and (old) Spock came back in time, they changed the future. Kirk’s father dies and Vulcan is destroyed, this changes the Star Trek universe (at least the parts we care about). None of the stories that take place on Vulcan will happen again in this universe.

The Star Trek on-ine game (which I’ve never seen) wanted to explain where it fits into everything so they created an image of the new timeline. But they help explain the new timelines here. They actually call the “originl” ST universe Star Trek Prime (and the on-line game takes place after Romulus is destroyed in the universe’s future) and it consists of everything Star Trek before 2008 (original series, movies, next generation, deep space-9, enterprise, voyager). The game chose to take place in the prime established universe, otherwise it doesn’t have much ‘history’ to work with…

So we’ve got a whole new universe. Kirk never found Khan, Spock never died (we’ve got two Spock’s now!) but similar too Pike was the Captain of the Enterprise still ended up in a wheelchair. Everything from 2233 on changes a little and from 2258 on, there is no Vulcan. FYI, the math on that seems off, it makes Kirk 25 when Vulcan is destroyed, I would have guessed he was younger than that.

Bottom line – I thought it was a nice timeline chart…