Tag Archives: Movable Type

Thursday Thoughts #1

Thursday Thoughts is a new weekly meme. Don’t forget you can always links to all sorts of memes at The Daily Meme

Since this is the first of Thursday Thoughts, let’s start with first-time blogging.

1. When did you start your blog/web site?
Just over a year ago, December 2003.
2. Why did you start it? (Is there any specific reason?)
I had kinda been thinking about it and then one night after watching an episode of Joan of Arcadia, I started one up and rambled a bit about her and I’ve been going ever since.
3. What is your blog/site generally about?
It’s a little bit about everything. Me, my life, lots-o-memes, Joan, technology, blogs, movies, books, music, friends, travels and other stuff. Any day now, I’m going to start a separate tech blog so I can get a little geekier about tech; I’ll still mention tech I just won’t get too detailed, that’ll go in the new one.

What is a Trackback?

Mell (of Divergent Poles) was trying to understand what a trackback is, so I’m making this post as an illustration.

While creating this message there was an empty spot (just like there is a place for the title) to add trackbacks, since I’m referencing this post (i.e. I’m talking about Mell) I’m adding his trackback information to that spot. When I post this message it’ll send a tiny message (called a trackback or sometimes referred to as a ping) to Mell’s message and now he’ll know I was talking about his post and get a better understanding of this (I hope). There is no indication on my site that I trackbacked him (other than me telling you), the main reason is to let him (and his readers) know I are talking about him and when others read his site they’ll know I’m talking about Mell so they might follow the link to see what I say (in this case, if they want to know what I think a trackback is).

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0.5k and almost 365 days

So I’ve almost been posting for a year AND I’m almost to 500 posts. If I average my average number of posts per day I’ll probably hit both at the same time.

I kinda jump from one end of the spectrum to the other (funerals to sappy TV shows to technology), I keep thinking that I’ll break out the tech into it’s own blog, but I can’t decide it that’s necessary. I’ve got an idea for a tech specific blog, and if I do that, then I’d have two tech blogs (extra geeky and semi-geeky) so I think I’ll keep them together for now and if I go the other route I’ll just keep the long tech reviews to the extra geeky blog.

Spammed (for the very first time)

I finally got a few comment spams. It’s probably the only place I’ve ever mentioned the word c_sino (and I’m not going to say it again, it’s that place where you go g_mbl_ng).

THis isn’t any kind of an invite, but it’s just weird how long it took and the fact that I make people type in that little code (like at ticketmaster) before they can post…

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Lots of Blog Changes

Nothing super significant: I’m using the columnize plug-in to save some space for my archives and categories, I’m using the more javascript to make the extended entry accessible on the main page, hmm… (I did a third thing too, something I found on Girlie’s site while looking for something else…) Oh, at the bottom of the my main page, how I did the recent additional entries was an idea from Girlie. Of course this was all done with Movable Type from Six Apart.

RE: Blogs – 11

1. Have you ever blogged something you’ve regretted in the morning? Do you leave it? Delete it? Pray that no one reads it?
If I regret it, I’d delete it. I thinking of it as the Post-its of my life, they can be removed at any time.
2. Last week, RE: Blogs asked about the location from which you blog. This week, RE: Blogs asks for a photo of your favorite blogging environment. If you don’t have a camera ready – or aren’t willing to share a photo – – describe your favorite blogging place to the best of your ability
I blog from everywhere. I use ecto and it lets me save posts while off line, then I can manually post when on-line. I can always hook up my cell phone to connect and a few restaurants (Burger King and Panera) have WiFi.
3. What do you like most in a blog post by another blogger? Personal experiences? Fictional stories? News/Current events? Tech advice? Share some of your favorites from this week (either yours, or someone elses).
Personal experiences – either funny or drama, I wait for the next installment of their life. Tech advice is great, if it weren’t for others, I’d never use Movable Type as well as I do.

From RE: Blogs

Productive? Relaxing!

Today was a nice day, I’ve been working on my To Do list and adding things almost as fast as I can cross them off. But I’ve been getting lots done. The one annoying thing was buying an additional bathroom rug (which I thought I did a week or two ago but searched the house/car/house/car many times for) and after being home 5 minutes I found the one I already bought… Back to Kohls!

One of the High School teachers was having a barbecue and I got an invite which was nice, sometimes things like that just go out to the specific buildings and I don’t hear about them. I’m on that odd borderline of Administrator or Person, depends who you talk to, what their mood is and how upset people are with other administrators. It was a lot of fun, we grilled, played croquet ate and played with the kids. There were some babies, one that finally warmed up to me and let me carry here around, and some older kids. Got to meet some spouses and that’s always interesting. I felt bad taking off as some others were showing up but the allergies had been starting to kick in and and then the neighbor started mowing (cut grass is my kryptonite).

On the way home, talked to some older gentleman at Borders who was looking at the O’Reiley’s Essential Blogging book and hopefully I gave him some good info, he want to get into it but wasn’t sure where to start. I pushed Movable Type but suggested TypePad if he just wanted to try it out. I found a few winners myself: Two 2004 O’Reiley’s books PHP & MySQL and and Pocket Linux guide.

Plus I found out a person I dated was getting married soon. For some reason I always find that interesting when I find it out about someone…

RE: Blogs – 8

1. Most of us pay for hosting our domains in which to blog on – – however, under what circumstances would you shell out hard earned cash so that you can use the blogging platform (i.e. your blogging application). Considering Movable Type’s recent license fees – – would you? If yes, why – – If no, why not?
For the right tool, I’ll pay! I love Ecto (paid) for managing my blogs off-line and Transmit for FTP/textediting but I need to see if I need to pay for that one (or if I have).
2. RE: Linkage – – I’ve seen many a trick to increase traffic and ratings in certain ecosystem offerings. For example – a few I’ve seen have one or two domains as a mirror to their main one and register all domains with TTLB – – so every post that you make is mirrored on the ’secondary domain’ – and each post is linked to the ‘primary domain’ which is recorded by the ecosystem as an inbound link….which could, for examle, bring your inbound links from 100 to 400 – depending. Do you have methods you use to ‘trick’ the ecosystem to skew your results to give you a higher rating? Care to share them? What tricks do you use?
No but I’m making notes… Actually i guess I’m doing something similar (but it’s to keep what little I’ve got, not generate more), I decided to modify my url so I started changing it previously to start moving some traffic and now that I’m using it I’ve slowing been changing the blocks of links (images, archives, main root, etc.) it hopes to have my traffic move with (I just don’t want to disappear from the blogosphere). From your logic maybe I’ll stretch out the process a little longer… I don’t want a higher rating, I want more visitors….
3. RE: Templates – – show off some of your extra add-ons you’ve been working on with your templates. What’cha been up to, huh? huh?
My image (as of this post) on the background is a live ariel view of Dearborn, MI (everytime you refresh it’s updated). The colors match the blue and green of the Earth. At dawn and sunset and other times during the day you can see the dividing line between light and dark (it must have a name?). I was doing the moon, but it was tooooo sloooooww.
4. RE: Other blogs – – Show us some of the newer blogs you’ve linked to recently, in the past week, or so. We all like seeing new blogs and fresh material. Who are they – and why’d ya link ‘em?
Okay, clearly this is going to be a regular thing and I need to get prepared for it. On my blog I’ve been running a scrolling sidebar (well it might not scroll in all browsers, but it should atlease be there) for “Interesting Recent Sites” (so check it out), I did just change the date format, so it’s not consistent but it’ll be oklay in a day or three (I only keep the last 30 or so). I’ve got a script to grab the URL and title or highlighted text and add the date and ftp it up (it get’s included via PHP).

From RE: Blogs .